Open the Windows, Everybody Needs to Be Seen

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The last chapter was pretty interesting.

So, this chapter isn't so long.

I hope u enjoy.

Chapter 10- Open the Windows, Everybody Needs to Be Seen

Los Angeles 5:30 pm September 3rd 2012

Lacey is still shocked by the news from her dad being that thing he calls a job. In reality, it's not the best job in the world. So, to take things off of her mind, she has Lexi & Shanna join her at the beach to talk about everything that was heard today.

"I can't believe your dad is that! It's disgusting!" says Lexi. "I know it is. It would've been better if he was a lawyer or doctor but not... whatever he said. I just pictured my dad totally different than this." says Lacey. "He wasn't nice to begin with. I would hate to have a dad like yours." says Lexi. "I know you would. Besides my dad, how is school?" says Lacey. "School is school." says Lexi. "You sure?" says Lacey. "Yep." says Lexi. "Such a nice evening, is it not?" says Shanna. "Yes it is, baby." says Lacey. "You guys are so cute together." says Lexi. "Thanks." says Lacey. "You're welcome. I wish I had someone as loving and sweet like you two." says Lexi. "You'll find it." says Lacey. "I know I will." says Lexi.

Las Vegas, Nevada 5:30 pm September 3rd 2012

Percy, Marcus, and Samuel are now enjoying bright lights of Vegas. Since they want to hit the clubs later, they head to Percy's other place. I wonder if it's big as his high rise condo? Marcus thought. They arrive to another sweet place of Percy's and walk in and are surprised. The place is as big as Marcus and Samuel's place.

"You guys like it, don't you?" says Percy. "Yes, we do." says Marcus. "Well, before we leave, I have something for you both." says Percy. "What is it?" says Marcus. "Show us, please?" says Samuel. "My boys, my handsome men, I got you both some gold Rolex watches." says Percy. "This is cool. I really like it." says Marcus. "I do, too." says Samuel. "So, before we go, how about a quickie?" says Percy. "With pleasure." says both Marcus & Samuel.

They do their business in the bedroom, and something shocking happens afterwards. Percy's dad, Marlon, walks into the place and has a discussion in private with his son. Marcus and Samuel stay in the bedroom as the two men talk.

"I got a call from the company today." says Marlon. "Yeah, what is it?" says Percy. "We are crumbling down into debt. But I just found some hidden money in the safe at your mom and I's house. So, it should cover us for the next ten to fifteen years. But..." says Marlon. "But what, dad?" says Percy. "You may have to get a job at the company." says Marlon. "Are we that badly in debt that I need a job?" says Percy. "Yes, son; we are." says Marlon.

As soon as Marlon leaves, Percy heads back into the bedroom to still find Marcus and Samuel there. They heard nothing of the conversation in the other room.

"Boys, I came to say that we should go ahead out and have ourselves some fun." says Percy. "Okay, we'll get ready." says Marcus and Samuel. "Don't worry about it, your outfits are already lied out for you." says Percy.

They all change and a limo awaits them to the nightclubs around the area of Percy's place. This should be an interesting night.

Kelso, Washington 5:30 pm September 3rd 2012

Kendra and Audrey decide to stay for dinner at her old place with her mom and Gretchen. Audrey's mom knows how to make good food. So, in simpler terms, they decide to talk about anything besides the conversation between Gretchen and her mom, Jean.

"How have you girls been?" says Gretchen. "Fine, thanks for asking." says Audrey. "Good. Well I have something else to tell you." says Gretchen. "Not now. I want to wait." says Linda. "I can't say it?" says Gretchen. "No, that's news for another day." says Linda. "Okay, then. You girls had any talks about anything yet?" says Gretchen. "No, we haven't." says Kendra.

They continue eating and another surprise package lands on Linda and Gretchen's doorstep. It's a package for the girls, yet again from Kendra and Audrey's friends. They sent them a care package with various food items and a key necklace for the both of them. They stay for about another hour and then head on home.

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