Chapter 16

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Optimus was beyond worry now. Ever since they had returned to where Wheeljack had found the evidence of scuffle, it had turned into near panic. Indeed, there was a large amount of Energon on the ground, still soaking into the desert like sand. There were burns also, from blaster shots most definitely from Vehicons. All evidence pointed to the fact that indeed Ratchet had come across Decepticons, and while he had fought several of them off, they knew for a fact that he had been cut short of his attacks and captured. There were skid marks across the dirt that indicated that he had been dragged. Then the marks just disappeared, as if into thin air, but they knew that that was the work of a GroundBridge. These sights had only confirmed everyone's fears, and caused the others to grow. There was nothing they could do except what they had already been doing; search for any clue to where the Nemesis was.

It was late at night again, and the Prime had steeled himself once more to pull an all-nighter. Now he stifled back a chuckle. He had always scolded his old friend for this kind of thing, despite the fact that Ratchet had trouble recharging most of the time. And yet, here he was, doing the exact thing that the old doctor did. It felt ironic. With a another sigh, he continued to search for recent Decepticon activity. 

Optimus nearly jumped when he heard a noise behind him, turning quickly out of start. His optics and posture softened when he saw the young Bumblebee wandering out of the hall, coming from his berth room. The little scout rubbed one of his optics tiredly before his attention was brought to his leader standing at the console. Bee let out a little warbled sigh and walked over. The Prime watched him without saying a word; he had a feeling the scout wished to say something first. 

<Are you sure you should be up right now?>" Bee asked quietly, hardly in a scolding tone, but more of a respectfully worried one. 

Optimus nodded once to show that he had indeed planned to stay up this late. "Locating any kind of Decepticon activity would help us in our search for Ratchet," he explained. 

Bee nodded his helm slightly, too. <If we find any of them, maybe we could get them to talk, and tell us where Ratchet is.>

"I have no doubt that he was taken aboard the Nemesis," Optimus stated. 

<And if he had escaped, he probably would have found some way to contact us by now,> the scout added. 

His leader agreed, turning his optics back to his search. "I will let you know if I find anything."

Bee looked up at Optimus sadly. He knew that his sentence had been more of an order to head back to his berth. Optimus had a way of instructing without really saying it sometimes. The little scout wanted to help too, still feeling responsible for Ratchet's disappearance. With another soundless sigh, he did as he had been quietly told, turning and heading back to his berthroom. He couldn't help that his processor was plagued with dark and ominous thoughts. It was beyond worry now for him, too. Admittedly he was very close to the old medic, looking up to him as someone he could always trust. He was family, and not only had he saved his life, he had done everything in his power to bring his voice back, even giving him a way to speak when he couldn't. Bumblebee almost felt indebted to him, although he knew that the old doctor would never allow that. 

He also knew that his charge, his little brother, was extremely worried. Yes, he was worried for the Autobots well being; all of them were. But the guardian knew that in secret, Raf was nearly more worried about Ratchet than what would happen to them. The tired medic had become a friend to the boy. The two were definitely close now, sharing common interests and ideas. Bee enjoyed watching the two converse in what they thought was private. In all honesty, everyone knew that the medic had a soft spot for the boy. Bumblebee could tell that Raf was scared for Ratchet immensely, just like he had been during the Synthetic Energon incident. The sorrow Bee felt not only for Ratchet, but what his charge was suffering as well, was enough for him to reach a really low point. 

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