Chapter 6

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Omega started awake. She hadn't realized that she had slipped into recharge and mentally kicked herself. She was supposed to be watching the patient. She kicked herself again when she found herself in the control room instead of the medical room. She began to head that way when she heard something coming from that room. It sounded like tiny, constant clicks. She heard a beep and jumped when she heard a slam.

"Blast this broken thing!" grumbled a voice. It sounded frustrated.

She turned into the medical bay and found the medic bot banging his fist on the console. The screen was flickering in and out of life. She sighed and walked over to his side.

"What are you doing?" she asked quietly, startling him.

He didn't look at her, his hard gaze fixed on the screen. "Trying to fix this."

She gently took his servos and pulled them away from the console. "You shouldn't be up. You're still in recovery. You should know."

He glanced down for a second. "Yes, I am aware." He yanked his servos away. "However, the extent of my condition does not matter right now. I have to find out how to get back."

She was still for a second, watching him work. She could tell he was in pain, every movement hurt. Yet his determination said that he wasn't going to stop.

They must be family, she thought. Wouldn't I do the same for Alpha?

She hid a small smile as he grew frustrated and smashed it again. And if I had the chance back then, for Freezecharger, too.

She snatched his servos again, gently pulling them away. "If you want better luck, you might want to try the main console," she told him with a small smile. 

He blinked at her, a bit surprised. The corners of his mouth turned slightly and he nodded, slipping his servos out from hers. She pointed out the door.

"It's currently run down as well, but it would have a better chance at finding what you're looking for," she said. "Follow me."

She turned and began to head out the door. The older medic followed slowly, still favoring his pede and twisted leg. As she turned the corner, she realized he was struggling to keep up, his faceplate twisted in a painful grimace. She quickly rushed to his side as his leg began to shake.

"Let me help," she muttered, carefully slinging his arm over his shoulder. While he was taller than her, it wasn't by much, and she figured she could help.

He grunted a bit in pain and annoyance. She could tell he wasn't used to being helped. She wondered what he often did with his team, what his role was. Besides a medic, of course.

"Alpha will probably be mad," she sighed as she helped him into the main room.

"If you go into another hour long argument, I swear.." the medic growled. It was the first time he had really spoken to her that day, besides the arguing.

She laughed. "I'll try to avoid it. You must have quite an aching helm."

He muttered something indistinct, his optics narrowing. She slid out from under him as they reached the main console. He glanced up at the large computer and a look of slight relief washed over his faceplate.

"Is this better?" she mused, smiling.

He finally looked at her. "Yes," he said after a moment. "..Thank you."

"You're very welcome," she said cheerfully, placing her servos behind her back. "If you need anything, let me know."

He nodded, turning to the computer and letting his servos fly over the keys. The screen was brought back to life, but flickered sadly and the colors were off. He frowned at it and slowly looked under the console for the source of the problem. Omega watched intently, prepared to be of use.

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