Chapter 2

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"I hate circles." 

Miko slammed her tray onto the table in the cafeteria and huffed.

"What?" Jack and Raf said at the same time, sharing confused looks.

She twirled her fork around her fingers, frustrated. "They make no sense in math. My grade is def going to drop."

Raf sighed. "I don't know how much I can help you this time. I have to bring my grade back up, too."

Miko, who had just taken a bite of her greasy salad, choked. "You?!" she exclaimed after clearing her throat. "You need to bring your grade back up?!"

Jack was shocked as well. "Wow. That's... pretty rare, Raf. What kept you behind?"

Raf gave him an 'are you serious' glare. Jack's mouth formed an 'oh' and he shut up.

"It feels like our search for Ratchet is one big circle," Miko sighed, not sensing Raf's upset mood. "We are getting no where."

"It's only been a day, Miko," Jack said to console both her and Raf.

She half closed her eyes, her face saying 'you are so dumb'. "Since we found out. He's been missing over a week."

Right, Jack thought, cursing himself. 

The table was silent for several minutes, but no one ate. They had each lost their appetites.

"The Docbot will be fine," Miko said quietly, picking up her tray and standing. "..Right?"

Raf looked away, not sure what to say and not sure he wanted to say anything anyway. He knew his voice would crack. Jack sighed, copying Miko. They both took their trays to the trash.

"Is Raf going to be okay?" Miko whispered to him as they walked.

Jack forcefully dumped all his food away. "He's pretty close to Ratchet, even if the Autobot won't admit it."

"So, you have no idea."

"Let's just not talk about it too much. We're there if he needs us."

Miko nodded and they returned to their seats.


Ratchet's processor was still throbbing when he woke again. He vented slightly as he forced his optics open. His gaze met that dull ceiling again, and he felt discomforted. Remembering the previous day (at least, what he hoped was the previous day.), he rolled over to confirm his memories. Alpha was no longer there, but the same, rusty, damaged room was enough for him to know that it hadn't been a dream.

He sat up slowly, taking a sharp breath when he felt an immense pain in his chest chassis. He looked down, and now that his mind was clearer, he could see the extent of his injuries. A large, melded gash ran down the right side of his chest plates, and the left side was badly burned. His right leg was twisted awkwardly, and one of his pedes looked like had been stabbed right through. His left arm looked like it had been melded in several places, like he had been cut multiple time. He couldn't see his backside, but he could feel another gash down it, not melded but also not deep. He lifted a servo to his neck and felt a slight tear in his neck cords. When he touched it, he felt a drop of Energon leak out. When he took another closer look at the room, he saw that the ground below him was stained with old Energon, as well as the rusty medical bed.

"Oh, look, he finished his recharge!" came Omega's voice off to the side. Ratchet heard her light pedesteps hurry over before he saw her enter the room. Deeper steps followed, and Alpha arrived shortly after her.

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