Chapter 5

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Alpha's optics found their way to the screen once again as he leaned on the doorway with his arms crossed. Somehow, the thing still worked. He thought for sure it was broken; he'd tried to fix it earlier. However, the bright glow and the quiet hum of the machine told him that it was working. As well as it could, anyway. The map was still there, daunting him. The line from their area to their guest's seemed to laugh at him mockingly. His home was so far away.

As well as theirs, but from what he had heard, there wasn't much to return to. 

"Alpha?" came his sister's voice. She came up behind him, frost on the edges of her faceplate and shoulder plates. "Is he still asleep?"

"At the moment," he replied, turning back to the older medic bot. He was recharging on the medical station bed, his faceplate twisted uncomfortably. "As well as he can. I imagine he's plagued by nightmares, though."

She scowled at him. "How would you know that?" she said.

"Because Freezecharger's face was often the same, even when she was awake."

At this, Omega went silent and looked over at the medic sadly. "Oh, right. He must have seen lots of war, too."

"Yeah, he definitely has. If he works with Optimus Prime, he probably still does," he said, nodding his helm.

The two weren't very up to date with a lot of things, but even a million light years away they heard of the infamous Optimus Prime, the last of the Primes, and the team he had assembled on this planet. They had wondered what Decepticons had also inhabited the earth, and now they knew that Megatron himself had come. The thought made them shudder, and wonder if they would ever face him while on this earth.

After a pause, Omega said, "You know, even though he did tell us a lot, we still don't know his name."

He scoffed, feigning annoyance. "He'll tell eventually, I guess."

"He is kind of like Freezecharger, isn't he?" Omega whispered, glancing at the medic. "I hope he'll be okay."

"Oh, come on, Omega. He's recovering just fine."

"But.. he's so far away from home.." her chassis rattled slightly and she let out a shaky sigh.

He looked at his sister in concern. "You shouldn't be going out in the cold for so long,"  he told her as he glared at the frost on her plates.

She shuddered once more but looked up at him with a smile. "If we can find more parts to our ship, we can repair the Bridge."

He rolled his optics. "I don't know how to fix a Bridge."

"Yes, you do. I know Freezecharger taught you."

He didn't answer and scowled at the floor. 

"No, you're doing it all wrong! Alpha, stop!"

"Haha! Does this go here?"

"NO! ...Just give it to me."

Alpha stood straight and uncrossed his arms. "I'll continue looking. You stay here and monitor our new.. guest." He left without another word. 

Omega smiled slightly as he left. 

"Your brother is such a pain."

"You know you love him."


She sighed to herself again and entered the room where the medic was resting. His faceplate was twisted into something unreadable, his optic ridges furrowed. The brightness of the screen taunted her. She glanced at the map once more, sorrow flooding her chest.

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