Chapter 3

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A Decepticon ambush.

Arcee raced past the blasting Bumblebee and ducked behind cover. Peeking out from behind the wall, she turned her servo into a blaster gun and aimed carefully at the 'Con shooting at Bee and Bulkhead. With one precise shot, he was down. She couldn't stop there. Immediately afterward, she received a few blasts on her left. Swiftly, she ducked away and shot a few times, but only managed to scrape his legs. Bulkhead turned his mace to Arcee's opponent and smashed him into a wall. Arcee got up quickly and took of for the next enemy.

Bumblebee got busy with the vehicons charging towards them through the mining tunnel. Receiving heavy fire, he turned into his alt. mode and raced towards the 'Cons. They realized his intentions a little too late, Bee crashing into them and making them fall like a stack of dominoes. He quickly transformed back, blasted their helms to make sure they were down, and scanned the area for his next fight.

After Bulkhead had slammed the 'Con into the wall for Arcee, a brave vehicon had jumped his back and wrapped his arms around Bulkhead's neck cords. With a growl, Bulkhead turned left and right sharply, trying to mace his opponent, but couldn't reach. The 'Con's grip grew tighter before quickly loosening, followed by the limp vehicon sliding off his back. Bulkhead turned to see Bee's blaster straight at his back. Bee gave him a warning buzz and Bulkhead quickly whirled around and tossed two more 'Cons with his mace. He gave Bee a grateful nod and they both raced after more Decepticons.

Optimus was busy taking down several vehicons eager for the chance to gain the glory of taking down the Optimus Prime. Optimus turned left and right, one servo a blade and one a blaster. He wielded both skillfully, leaping and slicing one opponent open before turning on one pede and blasting someone else down. The vehicons came at him relentlessly. Optimus managed them well, but one was able to cut one of his shoulder plates open with his claws and another blasted him right below the neck cords. Optimus merely grunted and threw the first Decepticon into the other.

Then he heard a warbled cry of pain, and Bulkhead screamed, "Bee!"

Optimus turned sharply and saw Bumblebee holding a new gash on the right lower side of his chassis. He took fire and fell over, his gaze rolling around dizzily. Optimus dealt with the remaining vehicons on his tail and raced over to aid his friend. Bulkhead was at his back, one servo a blaster and the other his infamous mace. Arcee, busy with other 'Cons, desperately tried to help, but was cut off by the vehicons, one of which that was on the ground managed to slice her leg open. She growled in pain and shot the 'Con one more time.

Optimus could see that they were growing vastly outnumbered by the minute, and brought a servo to his com link.

"Ratchet! We need a bridge!" he ordered as Bulkhead stormed off to help Arcee.

For a moment, there was no answer. Then Raf's voice came through, saying, "Did you guys get ambushed?"

In the heat of battle, Optimus had forgotten that his old friend was no longer at base, watching on his monitor like he usually did. He felt a pang in his chest chassis, worry returning all over again for the medic, but another blast to his left snapped him out of it.

"Raphael, we need a bridge," he told the boy urgently, shooting at two 'Cons heading for Bumblebee, who was trying desperately to get back up. Optimus had to resist the urge to order for sick bay to be prepared. 

Seconds later, a swirling Groundbridge appeared behind Bumblebee and Optimus. "Hurry!" came Raphael's worried voice over the com.

"Autobots, fall back!" Optimus hurriedly ordered, cutting away two more Decepticons making their way towards Bumblebee before he kneeled down to help the scout. Bulkhead carried Arcee in one arm. She looked perfectly fine, and plenty angry, but her leg was cut badly. Without protest, the Autobots all hurried into the Groundbridge, letting it swallow them into base.

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