Chapter Sixteen

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Okay first off I'm really honkin sorry for not updating in 8000 years
Moreover, I'm sorry for being an asshole and completely butchering this crappy ass chapter

Guess who has crush on hot boy
He's so sweet and adorable and cute and yeah haha woo tell me about your crush in the comments(-: (after leaving me a nice comment of course!!!(-: )

Chapter Sixteen

Days In Neverland: 30

The sky hung slate and sad, dripping gray clouds and sputtering a gossamer veil of fog through the training center. The sun was lost in the abyss of smeared sky, eclipsed by the billows of smog and shielded by sleets of rain that refused to fall. Rain that seemed to cower in the sky at the sight of Neverland.

The clearing was uncannily hushed, except for the spring of the boys' arrows and the points slamming into the targets. Gale stood to my right, clumsily laying arrows into the notch and drawing the string back, squinting with discourage at the lack of visuals and flicking his fingers to release the arrow anyway. To my left was Oliver, who seemed unfazed by the fog curling around his legs and shot arrow after arrow, the most sound in the clearing coming from the whiz of air coming from his bow and the bang of the head cutting through the target. Merciless.

And far, far away from me, loosely flinging his arrows as kept his chin angled low to his feet, stood the brown-haired boy I longed for.


He whisked his arrows carelessly, blindly, lips curved in a dismal frown. I watched through the fog, catching the movement of his arm flicking the next arrow into the outer white rings of the target. Downcast, dejected, he performed his archery heavy-hearted as his eyes burned with morose twilight.

I ached to run to him, to open my arms wide and feel the heat of his chest, for his genial grins and warm breath when he whispered to me. I craved his hugs and kisses and his offerings of sweet raspberry green tea.

Kian shot his last arrow and dropped his bow to the ground, hobbling to his target to tear out the previously catapulted arrows. He reached out for one and clasped the shaft, his wrist tickling the fletching. Then, he stopped, And his bronzed, russet eyes make a quick gaze in my direction.

I bit my lip and tore my stare away, the pang of tenderness growing like wildfire in my chest. He looked miserable, and so too did I feel.

In order to successfully keep my attention focused on anything but the boy, I began eyeing the ruby red bullseye that reflected through the fog like lighthouses do. Rubbing cool moisture from my hands and onto my blouse, I brought the bow up to my shoulder, fluttering one eye closed as I drew back my shoulder and aimed the arrow point into the red.

"Would you rather use the crossbows, angel?"

My body jerked in fright and my fingers slipped from the string, sending the arrow deep into the brush.

I dropped my bow to my knees and looked over my shoulder, seeing Pan in my peripheral. He stood against my back, his breath seizing the silence, his grin not genial but playful and demeaning, and for a moment, I pretended he was Kian...

"So yes?" Pan asked, slapping a hand on my waist and reaching around for my bow with the other. He snagged it from my broken fingers by the riser, flinging it behind his back.
"Hey!" I cried, spinning from his grasp and throwing my hand out to snatch it back, but he stepped away and lifted the bow high over my head.

"Eager?" he teased, flicking an eyebrow and laughing tauntingly as I gritted my teeth and jumped for it, my fingertips barely grazing his elbows.

I stomped, residing to standing with my arms crossed taut against my chest. "Fine!" I said, "I'll get another bow!"

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