Chapter Thirty Two

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-Thanks for all the love!! I can't get enough of it. You guys all mean so much to me it's insane.

-Chapter Two of Breezeblocks is up! Give Emma and I support and give it a readd (:

-My road test is next week !! Tuesday @ 7:30 am wish me luck pls so I can get that license

-I got a new phone the other day! I have an iPhone 6 so I'm not a loser anymore (-:

-I just got a Vine! Follow me on there too! It's just Mia Salvano <3

-when someone comments on your book that it isnt that good but half her book was copied from yours(: ok honey lmao

-the ortho adds 4 months to your braces ((((-: I'm sobbing this is such bullshit

Song Recommendations:

- Left Alone by Flume ft. Chet Faker
- Help Me Lose My Mind (Mazde Remix) by Disclosure

Chapter Thirty Two
Day 71

I realized then that I'm not the only one who needs a break from the potent loneliness we forcefully drink.

The afternoon plastered itself against the yellowing sky, folding its paper edges around the horizon. Like the sun was a lamp through the cellophane.

It was as if the storm before never came. The golden light that doused the island seemed like a hoax--a complete deception. It was an eclipse to shield the memory of a terrible tempest that stealed Felix away.

The boys all knew by now. They knew Felix had taken himself out of Pan's game. Rather than sulking, they spent the entire day training, while Pan turned himself into a ominous recluse.

I watched him, unknowingly. I stood at the entrance of Training Path and watched his crouched figure on the black sandstone slabs around the fire pit in the center of the clearing.

The creases in his shirt pleated themselves deeper as he shifted his aching shoulders, burrowing his shoulders into his knees and cowering his chin into his chest. There was a void in the sound. He didn't cry or speak, or breathe loudly. He remained statuesque. He remained still...but not peaceful.

It was as if last night's storm retracted into Pan's chest. Everything deep and dark about a raging anger in the tide was suddenly burrowed beneath the cage of his ribs. The afternoon was sleepy after the fact, and washed everything golden, and forgot such a storm ever existed.

Meanwhile, I was conflicted. Pan is unpredictable and I was torn between two things.

I could leave. I could go back to the Training Center.

Or, I could approach Pan. I could approach the beast, that may or may not snap.

I grabbed the seam of my shorts and worried the frays beneath my thumb and finger. I could feel the cotton coming apart, and worried it harder.

A sense of indecision swirled about me, and it was a cold wind that aroused some unstable feeling. I breathed in harshly to keep myself from falling over.

Talk to him, an urge begged, see where his head is at.

And, more compelling than the thought of falling, his voice cracked from his throat.

"Andria, I know you're there."

In this moment, higher than any other, his voice could have sent the sea spiraling into whirlpools, or brought around the tidal waves to sweep me away from my own brain, or erupted the world into a hundred wars--
or end them all.

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