Chapter Four

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Song Recommendations:
M.O.N.E.Y. By The 1975
505 by The Arctic Monkeys

Chapter Four

Days In Neverland: 1

Kian and I crossed the clearing, his face growing darker and darker the farther we got from the glow of the fire. It was colder on the edge; I shivered a little as we reached the ladder.

Kian let me go first; I stepped on the wooden rungs and began climbing up. He was directly behind me, until finally I was crawling onto the little deck built just big enough to sit on and stretch out your arms. Kian climbed on too, and then opened the door to his hut.

I stood up and walked inside.

Little candles hung in glass jars dangling from all areas of the ceiling. Stepping a little further was the bed against the right wall, a window next, a dresser on the left, and the bathroom door. The trees lightly tickled the walls like little claws; that's how close the huts were to the forest.

"These are cozy," I said, still standing by the door. Kian laughed a little and led me over to his bed where we could sit.

He smoothed out the quilt and sat against the headboard while I sat against the foot.

"So," he said, crossing his legs, "how did you get to Neverland?"

I shrugged, "um...not really sure. I just...kinda wished to be somewhere else, and here I am?"

Kian cocked his head to the left a little. "Did life at home suck?"

"Um...," I began twiddling my fingers nervously.

"No, it's okay, you don't have to tell me," Kian said quickly.

I nodded.

"So, anyway, the rules," he began.

I sat up straighter, as did he, bending forward to gain my entire attention and focus.

"Basically there are only three rules, and they go like this. First is the biggest one. You never, ever, call him Peter. We call him Pan. If you call him Peter, you get condemned."

"Condemned?" I asked.

"I'll get to that," he said, "next is lying. Do not lie to him. Depending on what you lied about, you could risk condemnation. Lastly, is don't disobey any orders you get. Normally you don't get condemned; you just get involved in one of his stupid games."

"Wait, I'm confused," I said, "what about condemnation? Games?"

"Okay," Kian said, "I'm about to go through a huge run-down, save questions till the end, okay?"


Kian stood up and walked me to the front door. When he opened it, he lodged a book there as a doorstop and sat on the deck. I did too.

"Okay, here are the huts," he said, pointing across from us. "That first one belongs to Gale. He's that little guy. Next one is Chester's; he's a good friend of mine. Then is Tyrell's, he's that big black one. Then Mason's, he's the youngest. Then, there's that big hut belongs to Pan. Never go in there without consent, first of all."

I winced at his word choice.

He squirmed a little before continuing, "The next big one is Felix's. He's Pan's favorite, and he's the same age.

"How old?" I asked.

"Both are 18. The rest of us are 17, except Mason and Gale. Gale is 15, Mason is 9."

I nodded.

"Continuing on," He said, "this one is clearly mine as we are sitting in it, next to mine is Oliver's. If you remember him, he's just a bitter asshole."

Monster // Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) (OUAT)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora