Chapter Twenty Seven

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1. So we lost the state competition and I cried and slept for three days

2. why are people mean to their readers?? like excuse me im nice bcs i want to actually KEEP my readers not act ENTITLED and RUDE ur book aint even that good !! ?

3. this girl copied my book and like guys its not cool to copy honestly im not flattered im actually offended like youre willing to let my hard work go to waste thats upsetting to me

4. thank you so much for 190K omfg thats 50K more than we had two chapters ago ??? thats a lot !!!! + hitting 400 comments on chapter 22 <3

5. i have a C in civics i want to cry

6. i have yet to receive hate im still waitin omg

7. ok so i have a crush on this boy and hes in my chem class and im sorry but hes so hot and muscular and tall and beautiful i want him to do bad things w me tbh

8. anyone else scared about college ?? i posted a thing on Outside It Starts To Pour (my poetry thing on here so if u wanna read it do it)

Song Recommendations:

Twin by Oslo Parks

Every Other Freckle by alt-j

Chapter Twenty Seven

Days in Neverland: 44

I thought I'd forget the plush of my quilts, but instead it were just an abstraction of memory, each thread eclipsed in a a waning past where no trace of it existed any longer.

But when my delicately dressed flesh was enveloped in its cool, cloudy whiteness, I was touched by every memory I thought I forgot, by every tear and every blood stain that I had failed to remember when I slept in Pan's bed.

There was an aura in his sheets, I remembered this, though it was very wearisome and frustrating when I tried to understand it.  It was...hostile, but lost.  There was a sense of violence but a sense of confusion.  It was like, yes, a monster sleeps in this bed.  But a monster has cried and loved and wished here too.

And though my despising of Pan has been enormous since my first arrival, the enmity I felt strong and hard at the commence has been filed down, to a more resentfulness, a rancor, an intense bitter, and maybe, just a little bit of pity.

I pity someone who is so selfish and can't step from their podium just to relate for once.  I've seen him crack though, several times actually, where his grin faltered and his piercing eyes submitted to mine for just a moment.  I like to believe things are changing a little bit around here, though they may be all just the same.

A hollow echo of a fist meeting with my door rang through the walls of my hut, before the squeak of the door knob and the hush of the edges brushing the floor followed.  Gale stepped inside, two mugs squished to his ribcage by his arm, other hand balancing a bowl.

Monster // Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) (OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now