Chapter 9 Love Is All Around

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Chapter 9

Love is all around


Edwin’s love story [flashback]

There was an aura of celebration as the crowd flooded towards us to congratulate our victory. A small circle was formed and I was given the privilege to open the champagne and splash it as a signature of winning team.

My coach was very proud and delighted as he snatched the bottle from me and splashed it on me before we had our toast of victory so I was completely wet. This took the shape of a party and there were a lot of people joining in asking questions so I asked my coach to let me go and change as I smelt the same champagne that he had splashed over me.

“Not before you finish with the paparazzi” he denied flatly

‘Yeah I’ll finish with them first.” I agreed disheartedly.

The media were full of questions

“How do you feel?” .

“Top of the world.” I answered them and ‘a lost love puppy’ was what I answered in my mind.

“Are you taking this as your career?’ they asked.

“I would love to” and to myself ‘let me first get to the one with whom I would like to plan my career’

“Were you scared when the scores were not in your favor?” a question by a journalist.

“Not the least we were confident about our team” and I spoke to myself again ‘I had my lucky charm’

“Apart from yourself whom would you give credit for the victory?” another question was thrown on me

“Ofcourse my entire team and most importantly our coach”  In my mind, ‘timely appearance of the silky haired girl in my t-shirt”

“What do you think was wrong in opponent’s team?”

“Nothing they were very good they indeed gave us a tough fight.” I was talking to myself again ‘but they did not have Stella wearing their uniform in the strands.’

Gosh! I am missing her too much. I need to see her.

“What would you say about the opponent player who pushed you against the rules?”

“No comments and may I go now. The tee with sweat and champagne is sucking. Please excuse me. It’s been lovely talking to you guys. You rock”

 I sprinted towards the changing room to get some space and as I entered I saw the glimpse of a fair girl whom I was raking all over the crowd. She was actually waiting for me.

“In the Men’s changing room?” I asked sarcastically when my insides were doing a happy dance.

“Some people are worth breaking rules for.” She answered biting her lip looking sexier than ever.

“Some… who some?” I asked wandering here and there.

She stepped forward teasing me as she brought her face extreme close to mine, pouting her lips to kiss and then turned sideways and then stretching her hand shaking with mine and said “ Congratulations”

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