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"thank God you're back, we need you" Taehyung whined

"Why?" Yoongi ask

"He's in trouble" jimin answer looking at the mess Jungkook

"I'll go home now" Jungkook said grabbing his keys then go out.

Jungkook POV
I reach home and saw my aunt peacefully sitting at the living room.

"Why are you here?" I ask Aunt Mary

"Why? I'm here to handle business" she answer

"And ruined my life, right?" I ask

"I heard there is this girl, is she following you around?" She ask

"She's not following me, I'm following her" I said

"Why? A guy like you? Following a commoner?" She ask

"Just don't interfere in my life" I said, I made my way to my room and sleep.

I woke up by my aunt saying we need to go to shinwha department it's one of our business. We are currently here in her car stuck in traffic.

"Why do you need me to come? Just go like you always did" I said crossing my arms

"Is that rice crackers?" She ask

"Yes ma'am" the guard answer

"Buy one" she said

We are here at the road selling rice crackers. Me, my brother and dad are walking around to sell it to the driver, while my mom handle the van.

"Ms!" A driver yelled. I ran there

"2,000 won.." I did not finish my words when I saw Jungkook inside the car.

"Here" he said I handed it to him and thank him. They closed their window and drive off. I stand up there broke, why do I need to see him now? I stand there still clueless, eyes in their car. I raised my eyebrows when I saw Jungkook come out. He walk towards me fast. When he's infront of me, he grab my face and kiss my lips. A tear escaped my eyes, just how can he still kiss me when I throw him away. He let go of the kiss and look at me.

"Let's go" he said. We walk somewhere side by side.

"Can you stay beside me?" He ask

"Huh?" I ask, I look at him clueless

"Just promise me from now on you won't throw me away" he said

"I promise" I said, I've been thinking this in few days for now I'll let him be happy beside me.

"Also, promise me that you'll tell me if you have a problem" he said, i can't do that, I'm sorry I thought I smiled at then walk off he followed me as well.

"Hey, answer me" he said grabbing my hands

"I promise" im sorry.. he smiled I handed him a can of coffee in my pocket he happily accept and drank it.

"Why are you selling rice crackers in the road?" He ask in curiosity

"We need money" I said

"Why?" He ask

"Just because.." I said sighing

"Do you need money? Tell me" he said

"If I tell you, you'll said how much do you need? And I can't accept a money from you" I said

"Why?" He ask

𝖧𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾 (𝖩𝖾𝗈𝗇 𝖩𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄)  Where stories live. Discover now