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There's a story his family has apparently been recycling for hundreds of thousands of years, one they tell with a hesitant smile and fearful eyes.

He doesn't know why though, it's his favorite story. It has a happy ending.

His grandfather tells him that the Uchiha have been around since the dawn of time, when the Gods still inhabited the earth and lived amongst the humans. Their family's prestigious bloodline had been founded by a demigod, the firstborn son of a powerful God and a beautiful noble human princess. They had beautiful children and lived happily, until the princess died because she was not a Goddess, no matter what her beauty and strength might have deceived those around her to believe. The God's heart was broken, so he ascended to another world, where no pain could ever touch his soul again.

Around this same time, many of the other Gods and Goddesses had grown bored with the short lives the humans lived. Or maybe they couldn't help the despair when they inevitably fell in love with someone who wouldn't last. Whatever the reason, the large majority of them went off to their own worlds, leaving the planet Earth for the humans, for the most part.

While all the children had been born from the God, they only had as much power as an average human could have. The eldest son, however, was the one who had been blessed(cursed) with the might of a demigod he had rightfully inherited.

His power and rightful inheritance took him straight to the throne left behind by his mother where he then ruled as king.

With the strength and title came the largest of egos. Where his siblings were humble and blessed for their fortunate upbringing, the demigod wanted more and more and more; he claimed that he deserved it, as his Godgiven right.

He started many wars out of greed, wanting to take land from the smaller kingdoms around his and to steal the resources from the ones who needed it.

He married a princess(a peace offering) from a neighboring kingdom, with whom he fell in love with and fathered two boys. One to lead his nation when he's gone, and the other as a spare. The favoring of his eldest child was known by everyone, even by those who resided millions of miles away and didn't even speak the same language. The boys grew up to be fine young men and followed their father's orders; no one ever paid much attention to the permanent scowl on the younger prince's face. Then again, no one ever paid much attention to him to begin with.

One day, the king made a mistake. There were rumors of a God who remained hidden in the forest, the last of its kind on Earth. The demigod had laughed and said that he was the last of the Gods on Earth, so he told his men to go out and bring the supposed God to him. The compassionate queen had tried to warn him against it, that maybe it wasn't such a good idea, and that if he decides to welcome a God into their palace, to please behave himself and treat them with the respect they (require)deserve. He made his second mistake by brushing her off, and telling those around him to prepare for the visit.

A fortnight passed and the king received word that his men were back with their visitor. The demigod gathered his family around his throne and told them to come in. With his wife at his right side and his sons to his left, he settled in his throne, awaiting the so-called ethereal being.

The heavy wooden doors opened slowly, and bright light poured into the dark room. When the doors finally parted, a small figure slowly entered. There was a sharp intake of breath at the king's side, so he took a quick glance at his younger son's awed face. The king turned back to face the shorter being.

She certainly looked like a Goddess. If not by the flowing pink hair with flowers that were woven and entwined within it; if not by the sea green dress that seemed to float around her and matched her wide eyes perfectly; if not by the violet vertical rhombus that had been glowing on her forehead; then it was by the way she carried herself, and the aura of power she exuded.

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