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An alarm goes off across a small bedroom.

A groan follows soon after.

Fingers search for the location of the offending sound, but instead, they find something softer.

Soft like silk.

That's when he knows something is wrong.

Uchiha Sasuke's head is pounding with the pain only a horrible hangover can produce as he opens his dark eyes to see his phone going off. With a tired sigh, he reaches over slowly and shuts off the irritating alarm. He sets the phone next to the bottle of aspirin and water. He quickly takes a couple of pills and sips of water before glancing back at the clock on his phone. Seeing that the time is still 8am on a Sunday morning, he lets out another sigh, this one is one of relief, as he settles back into the warm and fluffy sheets, snuggling against the soft figure in bed with him. With a soft content sigh, he buries his face into the pink head of hair next to him and prepares himself to set off into a blissful sleep.


Sasuke's eyes immediately open up, pink hair assaulting his vision.

Who the fuck is this?

He pulls himself away from the smaller figure and sits against the unfamiliar headboard, going through the events from the night before that lead to this.

Sasuke's friend, Naruto, had forced him to go to some party thrown by sorority girls the night before. He had been feeling good so he actually agreed. The last things he can recall are a pair of determined green eyes and a lot of red solo cups.

He drank a lot last night, so everything else is a blur.

He peeks back down at the small figure facing away from him. There's a lot of pink hair covering most of the other person, from their face to their mid-back. The small constellation of freckles that peeks from under the mane of hair reminds him that this person isn't wearing any clothes.

Oh shit, neither is he.

Surely they didn't-

Nope, they definitely did.

There's a little more than a handful of opened condom packages on the floor, right next to the bed.

At least he doesn't have to worry about his virginity anymore, thanks to this stranger.

Turning back to the stranger -a girl, he guesses by the bright red bra that's hanging off the side of the bed and, well, the boobs peeking out from under the hair and sheets- he suddenly feels his palms start sweating.

Sasuke never imagined having to deal with a one night stand, or having to do a walk of shame because this room isn't his room.

Is he supposed to wake her up? Let her know he's gonna go? Tell her that he had fun even though he doesn't even remember what they did? Ask if he can have something to eat before leaving?

He doesn't even have the chance to contemplate getting out of bed when a feminine groan breaks the silence of the room.

The girl starts shifting, moving to stretch when her arm hits his stomach. He feels her tense as soon as their skin makes contact. Slowly, Sasuke sees the pink head turn until bright green eyes peek out from under the long strands.

Suddenly, all the confusion and pain from the hangover he had been feeling is wiped away clean, like a hazy cloud that has disappeared only to leave behind the shining light of the sun.

What was supposed to be a friendly competition of beer pong against a pink haired sorority girl the night before had lead to an all out war because she was determined to win and so was he. He got his ass handed to him by her. She threw him a smug smirk and he knew right then that she was The One.

Looking down at her, he has no doubt that she definitely is.

The rosette sits up slowly, using one hand to hold the sheets against her chest and the other to brush away the hair from her face.

It's a really nice face.

She gives him a shy smile that makes his cheeks heat up.


It's silent for a moment.

Well, more like a few moments. Or minutes. Whatever.

He suddenly remembers the water and aspirin and hands them to her. She gives a quiet thanks as she takes enough for herself and then sets them back down onto her nightstand.

"Soooo," she's avoiding eye contact with him, but that's okay because he's trying to avoid eye contact with her too. "Um, I don't really remember anything after that competition of beer pong."

"Congrats on that. You're so good at it." The words leave his mouth before he can stop himself from sounding like a total loser.

But she laughs a soft laugh and he decides that it was worth it.

"Thanks, I've had a lot of practice. You didn't do so bad yourself, uhhhh," she pauses, trying to recall his name, "Sasuke-kun?"

His cheeks turn pink as his brain suddenly supplies him with a brief flash of the night before.

He had told her his name the night before when she was on top and he was begging her to call it out. She had smirked at him in such a naughty way as she rolled her hips. She had told him her name then too.


"Yeah." The blush on her cheeks tells him that she remembers too.

The two strangers stare at one another, eyes conveying the same feelings from the night before.

Sakura gives him a soft smile before sinking back down onto her mattress. She gets comfortable and laughs at his confused look.

"I'm tired, silly. I've got nothing planned for today, so I'm gonna sleep in as long as my body wants to." He doesn't know how to respond to that, and she can tell. "You can, you know, join me in my nap, as well as whatever I decide to do after I wake up. You're already here and stuff, so..."

Sasuke takes a deep breath as he considers his options.

He can either get out of this warm bed and head back to his apartment where Naruto is probably waiting for him to join on some stupid adventure, or he can stay here in the warm bed with the most beautiful woman he's ever seen and spend the rest of the day with her.

Sasuke might be stupid, but he's not dumb.

As he relaxes back into the bed and wraps an arm around her, he lets out a small sigh when she presses her face against his bare chest.

It feels so right.

Sasuke decides that they can talk about whatever occurred later.

There's plenty of time in their future.

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