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"C'mon, Sasuke-kun! You've got to date my friend!"

Uchiha Sasuke rolled his eyes and took a long drink from his beer as his teammate shrugged and grinned sheepishly at his girlfriend's antics.

Team Taka, as the police officers called themselves, were sitting together at a dingy bar near the police station after work for a much needed night to relax. The team consisted of Sasuke as the leader, an intelligent police detective named Karin, her boyfriend and fellow policeman Suigetsu, and the strong Juugo.

While they weren't out keeping Konoha safe from heinous crimes, apparently they were interested in matchmaking.

The redheaded cousin of his best friend never gave up on anything until she sees it through, which is why, fortunately, she's such an excellent tracker.

Unfortunately, it makes her fucking irritating to be around.

So what if he hasn't had a girlfriend ever in his 23 years of living? He's a hardworking man who doesn't have time for one!

Sasuke was then reminded of all the time he spends bingewatching cooking contests or the ducks he feeds at the park so he won't die of boredom, which is quite often.

He scowled at Karin as she kept listing off all the single women she knows, which, going by the amount of names she provides, it seems she knows every single one of them in Konoha.

Suigetsu isn't much help either, as he supplies any name that Karin might've missed while Juugo just watched on with an amused smile on his face.

"Karin, oh my god, please stop," he finally groaned out. Sasuke ran a hand through his messy black hair as he heard his coworkers laugh at him.

You'd think that as their leader, they'd have more respect for him.

Clearly not, as proven by Karin snorting at what was supposed to be a stern glare but actually looked more like a pout. She smirked at him and took a sip of her beer before pointing it towards him.

"I'll stop it-"

"Oh, thank god-," Sasuke started, sighing in relief.

"-IF you tell me your type," she ended with a self satisfied smirk on her face. Suigetsu let out a hoot of laughter as Juugo chuckled quietly.

Sasuke seethed quietly in his seat. He doesn't even have a type, but he has to come up with something quickly. He gives a noncommittal shrug and casually drinks his beer as his eyes search around the room.

If he comes up with some ridiculous characteristics, she'll never be able to find someone to match them exactly.

A bright pink poster was hastily taped on a door and a smirk came to his face.

"Well," Sasuke lazily drawled, taking his time to set his drink down and sit back, "she absolutely has to have pink hair. Not a dark pink like Tayuya, but a bright bubblegum pink."

The shocked faces of the three officers appeared before recovering quickly, with Karin narrowing her red eyes on him in suspicion. "Oh yeah? So you like pink hair? Okay, keep going. Not specific enough, Sasuke-kun."

Shit, what other colors were there? Thankfully, in the dark bar, any bright color popped out quickly, like the Irish margarita the bartender was currently making.

"Green eyes," he quickly blurted out. "I like green. It's a, uh, good color."

Suigetsu's brow raised as he and Juugo shared a look of disbelief. "Uhh, didn't you say that was your least favorite color?"

Sasuke shot an annoyed glare at the men. He didn't even remember ever telling them that. Damn them for remembering.

Karin seemed to be thinking, probably flipping through a mental catalogue in her brain of everyone she knows. She seemed amused and waved her hand as if ushering him to continue.

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