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When she first meets him, it's not what she expects.

He simply bumped into her and kept walking without bothering to ask her if she was alright, too wrapped up in his own world. He only sticks out to her because of the way his hair does in the back, really. He has a nice nose too.

So she went on with her day and the pretty boy went to the very back of her mind.

When she sees him again, he's in her intro to psychology course and there are only two available seats left.

One right next to him and another on the other side of the classroom. It would be too cliche for her to take the one next to him.

She pays attention in that class and her green eyes never wander to the other side of the class.

The first time she actually talks to him is in the college's cafeteria.

She decides to try the smoothies that have been ridiculously overpriced. It really is a major coincidence that he seems to be in line right next to her. She turns to him and asks quickly what smoothie he thinks is the best.

His dark eyes catch her lighter ones for a second before turning back to face the menu.

Ketchup isn't the answer she thought she'd receive, and neither is the small smirk that appeared on his pretty lips when she let out a loud laugh.

When he approaches her for the first time, it's for a question in psychology. He's terrible at it, he says, so he needs help studying.

He won't look her directly in the eye, and he thinks she doesn't notice him shoving his hands into his pockets to stop them from fidgeting. He also thinks she doesn't know that her friend talks about how jealous she is that he always scores so high on quizzes and exams.

She gives him a small shrug and a maybe, as well as her number. He's cute, but he can come up with something better than that.

When he finally sends her a message, it's a quick and simple greeting, along with his initials at the end.

She responds with a random cat picture she has saved on her phone and laughs when she sees three dots appear and disappear as he tries to come up with a response.

He finally settles on a question mark, and she decides she likes him right then.

When he first holds her hand, they're simply walking around campus because her last class of the day got cancelled and he's been free since before noon.

She's commenting on how cool the weather is, and how easily her hands get cold when his long fingers reach out to her smaller ones. He tucks her cold fingers into his warm palm and continues on as if he's been doing it his whole life.

It's nothing grand, but her heart swells up at the sight of his pink tinged nose and cheeks that she knows don't come from the cold.

When he kisses her for the first time, it's after she kisses him first because they never really labeled what they have going on, just that somehow he became her special person through all the unspectacular gestures.

And because she really wants to kiss him.

She tells him so, and he gives her a funny look before rolling his eyes and gifting her with a kiss of his own, because he also really wants to kiss her too.

When most of her stuff ends up in his apartment, they don't question it. He simply asks when she's gonna bring the rest of it by so he can be sure to help.

She shrugs and says maybe next Tuesday, and he gives a quick nod before rolling back to his nap.

As his light breathing fills the small and plain bedroom, Sakura decides right then and there that she is truly in love with Sasuke.

It isn't a spectacular love story with dazzling fireworks or earthshaking moments, but it was theirs.

She brushes his hair off of the cheek that isn't pressed against the pillow, and laughs softly at the small smile that forms on his sleeping cheeks.

A simple love is as good as any other kind of love.

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