Chapter 1

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*is currently half asleep*

Your POV

Before resurrection....

...It's dark.... What happened? I was weeping one minute and then a man came and started to dig my supposed grave up... I panicked and started yelling at him for it....he looked at me. 'He can see me?' Was my first thought.

He then assured me that he was not going to do any harm to my didn't make me trust him at all, but it did make me curious. The man could see me while the pastas could not...but why is this man here...? I pushed the thought aside and continued to scold the man like he was a toddler as he was still digging. He chuckled at my attempt to act as if I was older.

After a while, I realized he wasn't going to stop, so I gave up and let him take my corpse away to where ever he was going. I sighed and felt the tears rolling down my face once again....

Timeskip 40 minutes Later...

I feel strange...I can't describe the feeling, but I don't feel someone's trying to pull me somewhere or....ugh I don't know! Like I said before I can't describe the feeling. My body started tingling and when I looked down I noticed my ghost like body fading in and out until all I saw was a bright light cover my vision and then... darkness once again....

Present day.... (4 Days Later...)

"(Y/n)! Come back here! You're not healed fully!" I squealed like a little girl as I was picked up by Equinox. I heard him sigh as he carried me back into our hideout and set me down on the small bed that was present in the corner of the room. It wasn't the biggest hideout, but it was something to keep out the weather from outside.

I pouted and crossed my arms, grumbling. Equinox then started scolding me about how I'm still healing from the resurrection and blah blah blah.... I tuned him out after a while.

After he was done, he went and into the small kitchen and started making some lunch. I starred off in space wondering how the pastas were doing.... Equinox said I should be able to go back to them soon....

I can't wait!


Yes a little bit of a boring beginning, but oh wells! I'm graduating 8th grade today, so aka today is my last day of school! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of book 2 and like always my good friends..... BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!!!!


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