Chapter 8

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Enjoy the chapter my dudes!

We were all frozen.... No one seemed to know what to do or how to react. Jeff seemed to be having mixed emotions about this situation.

"Well...damn. I didn't think this would happen...." I looked at Equinox. I nodded in agreement. I looked back at Jeff, who just stared at me.

"W-...Why- How...?" Then he seemed to decide on what emotion he wanted to show. He got angry. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU NOT COME BACK TO US?! YOU STUPID FUCKING IDIOT!" I flinched as he yelled at me and started walking towards us.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE WERE?! YOU SELFISH LITTLE BRAT!" My eyes started watering. It's not like I meant to worry anyone.....

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Equinox was getting angry himself. Jeff stopped a few feet away from us. I could tell in his eyes, he was hurt and upset. I understand that, but his words still hurt... In a way it even reminded me of how Sane was....

Jeff continued to curse at me and yell and I just let the tears fall. I looked down at the ground, not having the courage to look him in his non-blinking eyes. I was silent, letting Jeff send his verbal abuse to me. That was until....


I quickly looked up with wide eyes. Jeff had his head turned to the side and Equinox looked beyond pissed.

Eauinox's PIC

Who the hell does this guy think he is!? Cursing and yelling at little (y/n). The poor boy's crying because of this jackass!

Your POV


Jeff looked shocked at the fact that someone dared to slap him. Then it seemed to dawn on him what Equinox just said.

I was growing incredibly nervous for some reason... I stood in silence and watched as Jeff put his hand in his hoodie pocket. My eyes widened, realizing what he was going to do.

"WATCH OUT!" I managed to somehow use what little strength I had to pull Equinox out of the way, just as Jeff swung his knife.

Jeff was clearly fumming. I swear I could see steam coming out of his ears.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHY DID YOU TAKE (Y/N)?!" I think I better stay out of this one.

I slowly backed away from both of them, only to bump into something from behind. This can't get any worse right?

I turned around, only see the one and only tall man himself.

.....spoke to soon....


Hello fellow humans! It is I! The one, the beautiful!-

Jeff: JEFF THE KILLER! *pushes me out of view*


Jeff: It's just a struggle being this beautiful! Oh! If only you knew what I had to deal with- *runs*

Yeah that's what I thought stupid joker.... *has flamethrower in hands* Anyways! I hope you enjoyed the chapter seeing as (y/n)'s day is getting increasingly worse by the minutes. And as always! BAI LIL KILLER MONKS!


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