Chapter 10

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I made a thing :D except the feathers. Lol I didn't draw those XD

I didn't say anything the whole walk back to the mansion, despite Jeff and Slender's attempts in talking to me.

I think that they think Equinox did something to me or something because I saw them shooting him dirty looks, or at least Slender seemed like he was too.

As we neared the mansion, I sensed that Jeff was getting excited to show that I was found. I frowned and looked at Equinox, worried and concerned for him. He on the other hand looked extremely calm...too calm...what is he thinking about...?

Equinox's POV

I guess it can't be helped. They now know of my existence and have (y/n). I could just easily teleport out of this, grab (y/n), and teleport far away, but I wish to see how this encounter goes down....

Your POV

We arrived at the mansion and Jeff quickly ran to the door. "We all missed you so much! Especially E.J and Hoodie!" I was hugged tightly by Jeff, which kinda surprised me, but ok, whatever.

Jeff practically broke down the door and screamed out. "GUESS WHO WE FOUND YOU SAD FUCKERS!? GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE!" I flinched as he hurt my ears.

The pastas, confused by Jeff's tone, slowly and sluggishly came. They looked at Jeff confused and then looked at me.

I think all their mouths dropped at the same time and all their eyes widened. Queue me being surrounded and crushed by hugs  and people throwing questions at me.

I, feeling extremely uncomfortable with how many people were near me, didn't speak, but started feeling panicked. I could sense Equinox looking at me, sensing my panic.

I haven't been surrounded by this many people in a while, it seems at least. It was also weird that I was back where I had lived before all the Sane drama had happened and I had to be resurrected.

"(Y/N)!" I heard my name being called by two familiar voices. Before I could look towards the voices, I was swooped out of Jeff's arms and into someone with a blue hoodie, E.J.

He preceded to squeeze the ever loving life out of me. I felt as his black ooze came down even faster than normal. Is he crying?!

Before I could ask, I was taken out of E.J's arms and into Hoodie's. Am I just a rag doll to them?! Hoodie had the same reaction as E.J did.

Then E.J started yelling at Hoodie about "taking him away". They are the same as always I guess. As they continued to argue with one another, I was still being questioned and hugged. ;-; .

"Children! Give him space! We also have other matters to discuss...." Everyone backed up and looked at Slender.

All of them seemed to take notice of Equinox. It all dawned on them on who this guy was, he was the one who had me all this time.

They all glared daggers at him. I tried to get out of Hoodie's arms, but he was the same as when Jeff held me, he had an iron grip.

"Hoodie, E.J, Could you take (y/n) upstairs and keep him occupied, maybe get some answers out of him. The others and I will be with this...gentleman here for a while."

Hoodie and E.J nodded and started towards the stairs. I panicked, growing concerned for my protector and friend. I tried struggling with a strength I didn't know I had. Hoodie seemed to even struggle to keep his grip on me!

"(Y/n)." I looked at Equinox, who spoke. "I'll be fine. Don't you worry about me." He winked at me. It dawned on me that he was going to cause trouble and teleport around. I stopped squirming, feeling better and tried to hide a smirk as I knew what was about to happen.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO HIM!" I believe that was Jane who yelled at Equinox. I saw him glare at her. Oooo....Jane messed up. Tsk tsk good luck with all the pranks Jane!

I was taken to E.J's room and then set down on his bed. He then examined me, practically from head to toe, seeing if I had any injuries or infections. I was kinda annoyed, but just went with it.

After not finding anything and seeing I was fine, they started asking me questions, none of which I would answer because I ain't no snitch.

If Equinox wants them to know how I came back to life and all, then he can tell them. I also don't fully understand it myself.

They gave up and gave me a bunch of my toys that had been left here. I played with them and then I heard a yell, then multiple yells. E.J and Hoodie looked towards the door and took out their weapons.

I started giggling, knowing Equinox had started playing around. He always messes with People, but I also could see the distrust in his eyes. He doesn't trust them... I don't blame him, he hasn't known them for as long as I have.

As I listened to Equinox's laughing, I smiled to myself. I'm already having fun being back here and by the sounds of it....

Seems like he's having fun here already too....


I'M ALIVE (sadly), BUT I'M ALIVE! I'm so so so so so so so SO SORRY I haven't updated in months! I have finals coming up soon and also I've been quite stressed lately, so I haven't really had time and I honestly didn't think about my stories! It's good to write again though! I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter and I don't know when I'll be able to write another one, but I might be able to get another chapter for a different book done, but once again, I'm not sure. Also once again, I'm sorry for not updating as much and I hope you guys have a great day/night or WHATEVER! BAIMY LIL KILLER MONKS!!!!


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