Chapter 3

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Enjoy the Chapter guys!!!


Two masked men ran equally as fast as the other, in a forest, towards an old looking mansion. They burst through the door, practically falling on top of one another. Everyone looked at them confused, startled, and curious as to what was up with them.  

They didn't say a word, they just got up and then continued running towards Slenderman's office; determined to find out why their 'little brother' was once again alive. Not that it was a bad thing.....

Slender's POV

I jumped as my door was slammed open and hit the wall. I snapped my head to see E.J and Hoodie, out of breath. "My god children! What is this all about!?" They both looked at each other and then to me. I was confused and just decided to read their minds....I was shocked...


The pastas all were gathered in the living room, wondering why Slender called them together. "What if he or someone reported to have found a clue on who took (y/n)'s body!?" BEN stated, immediately getting a reaction from the rest. They were so busy conversing among themselves, that they didn't notice Slender teleport in the room. E.J and Hoodie were also by his side.

They stayed silent until one by one, people started noticing they were there. The room slowly went quiet and then came the heavy pressure of anxiousness and curiousity. "Children... E.J and Hoodie saw something quite interesting at the store today...-" Slender paused, as if he didn't know how to say it or if he believed it himself. 

"Well what is it egg head!?!" Jeff yelled out, impatient as always. Slender sighed. "(Y/n)'s alive." Yelling immediately ensued. "No! Your lying!-" "We saw him die-" "No way-". More were in denial than anything, like sure they were hoping it was true, but it just didn't seem believable. Someone who they all saw die and buried was alive. 

Everyone was still yelling out when static painfully filled their ears. They went silent and put their hands to their ears, wincing. "Now that you've quieted down... I want you to know I don't know how it's possible either, but what I do know is that (y/n) wasn't alone. There was a man with him.-" More yelling of who this man was and blah blah blah... "SILENCE!!!" The static was back and so was the silence. "From what I saw from Hoodie and E.J's minds, the man did not seem to be of harm to little (y/n). In fact, he seemed to care for the boy as much as we all did, or maybe in Hoodie and E.J's way. We don't know who the man was and we are looking more into it. For now, I want everyone to be on the look out for this man.-" 

Slender brought out a picture of Equinox in his human form, holding (y/n)'s hand. The picture was clearly from the security cameras in the store. Everyone gathered close to see the picture and then nodded. "Now, You're all dismissed!" Some immediately pulled out their weapons and ran out of the mansion, others seemed to still be processing everything, and BEN went into the laptop he had in his lap. Slender turned towards Hoodie and E.J. "We can't do much except try and find that man and make him lead us to (y/n). He's our only lead to him." The two nodded and then took off towards the front door themselves.

Slender looked around and could feel the determination that radiated off of everyone. If he could, he would smile, but instead he just slowly nodded to himself as he slowly walked back to his office. He did wonder was it that (y/n) was alive once again...?

But for now...the only thing running through everyone's' minds was...

"He's alive and that man knows where he is! (Y/n) can be home once again..."


Heyo! Sorry I haven't been has active as usual, been a little busy, but everything is starting to die down finally! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if it's a little boring. Anyways I don't really have anything else to say, so see you guys next chapter! BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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