Chapter 6

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I love all you guys. Your amazing! Enjoy the Chapter My monks! ❤

Your POV

"I know Equinox! No climbing trees, jumping into random lakes, and no trusting strangers who are offering candy, unless it's L.J, then I have to run. Can I go out now?" Equinox sighed.

We had just finished breakfast and I wanted to go run around outside. Equinox was just being like a protective parent or brother, he couldn't be with me because he had work to do. What is his work you ask? I have no idea and I quite frankly don't want to know.

"Fine. Be careful and...just stay near by the place ok?" I smiled widely and nodded. He then made a motion for me to go on ahead. He didn't have to tell me twice, as I booked it out of the hideout and into the forest.

Jeff's POV

Everything is so weird...this whole situation is weird! How is it that (y/n) suddenly is alive again? Who was that man and why does he 'not exist'?  Where is (y/n) now?

Question after question filled my head as I continued on walking aimlessly around the forest. Things aren't adding up and everyone's stressed and frustated and upset and...and....

I sigh. I then speak outloud to no one. "When will you come home (y/n).....?"

Your POV

I quietly stand behind a tree as I watch Jeff. I sadly smile to myself. I don't think I've ever seen Jeff sad or at least he seemed sad. You never know with Jeff. Though no matter how much I wanted to run to him and give him a hug, I knew I couldn't. I have to wait.

I quietly and slowly backed up.


Awe shi-

"WHO'S THERE!?" No one Jeff, you're  just hearing things. Now...time to get the heck out of here! I quickly turn on my heels and book it in a random direction...making more noise in the process.... "H-HEY COME BACK HERE!" Yeah no.

Jeff's POV

I snapped my head to the direction of where the twig snapped. There was silence for only a moment, then more noise followed.

"They're running!" It clicked within seconds. Who was watching me?! Was it a human because I can make quick work of them.

My smile widened at the thought as I whipped out my knife. This could be a good distraction for at least a little while.

Your POV

I'm screwed! Very much screwed! Ok! Ok! I need to calm down. What do I do!? I know Jeff wouldn't just let go a potential victim. Maybe I could climb a tree? No, if I do that, I have no way of getting down and I have no idea where I am or how far away I am from the hide out. Well......

This can't be good......


Sorry it's short. I've been busy lately, ya I know, it's a surprising that I'm busy lol. Anyway enough sarcasm, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter cuz it seems little (y/n) got himself into a bit of trouble...  Now good luck to (y/n) and I'll see y'all next time, BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!!


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