They get lost

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💙 Goggles 💙


                     [ What?  I'll come get you, are there any shops nearby? ]

[ Now isn't the time to shop!!! 😦😭💔💔 ]

                           [ No wait, I'm just asking so I know where to find you! ]

[ There's a water bottle on the ground...  And trees...]

[ And a McDonald's... ]

                         [ Stay there, I'm on my way ❤ ]

You ran into your car and made your way to the nearest McDonald's and looked around. 

                         [ Are you inside or outside?]

[ Outside, right where you told me to stay! ]

After searching the parking lot and outdoor sitting area, you remembered there was another McDonald's a few blocks away so you left to check the one there too.  Upon arrival you didn't notice many trees there.  There was a park there though.

                         [ Is there a park nearby you? ]

[ You mean Chuck e cheese? ]

Then it hit you, the first McDonald's you were at was right next to Chuck e cheese...  You ran back into the car and sped off to the first McDonald's. 

If I were Goggles, where would I be...  Inside stuffing my face with food?  Nah, he said he was outside.  You began exploring in staff only areas, like behind the restaurant.  Just as you passed by a dumpster, someone tackled you.  Thinking someone was kidnapping you, you screamed.

"You found me!!!" Of course it was Goggles. 

"Why were you in the dumpsters?!" You gasped.  Goggles reeked of trash.

"Free food!" You cringed at that response.  You made him eat an entire tube of toothpaste and shower several times before you even thought of touching him again.

💚 Rider 💚

You were lounging on the couch, watching TV when your phone started ringing.  You answered it, and Rider answered.  He'd left for training an hour or two earlier. 

"Hey, I got myself lost...  D'you think you can pick me up?" Rider said, surprisingly calm for being stranded in the forest. 

"Are you okay?!  Call the police!" Your mind concluded that Rider was going to die in the woods.

"I don't need to bother nobody, just walk down the main road and call for me.  When I hear you I'll scream back, got it?"

"Fine...  I'm on my way." You hung up the phone and ran to the car, making sure to grab a first aid kit and emergency charger just in case.  His usual route wasn't too far away from your house.  After grabbing your stuff and locking your car, you walked steadily down the off road path.  If you ran you might not hear or notice him. 

"Rider?!  Riiiiider?!" You yelled out, scaring the woodland animals.  "Anybody seen a green squid?!  Heeellooooo?!" This went on for quite a while, you almost tripped on some of the rougher terrain too.  After an hour and a half of wondering, you heard Rider's voice an stopped walking.


"I'm coming!  Say it again!"

"Riiiiider!!!  Over here!!!" His green tentacles emerged from the woods, covered in dirt and sweat.  The leaves and sticks crunched under his feet. 

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