Ryan's Story

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Ryan sighed angrily as he walked out the door as quietly as possible. He hated when fights started up in the house because they never ended. A part of him also hated his brother for always picking these fights with everyone. The whole ordeal was just frustrating to deal with in all.

He dug a pair of earbuds out of the front pocket of his hoodie and inserted them into his ears. He fished for his phone and unlocked it quickly, wanting to listen to music as soon as possible to distract him from the mess going on inside the house. Ryan selected a song and put the phone back in his pocket. He listened to the music for a few moments and started walking, deciding he wanted to be anywhere but near his brother. A couple songs came and went before he had the odd feeling that he was being watched. He stopped walking for a moment but brushed his worries aside, reasoning that it was probably a neighbor in the area.

Ryan continued walking and felt a strong wind push against him. Reflexively, he reached for the cloth that shielded his eyes, not wanting it to blow away. He kept walking, now aiming to go back home, and saw a blurry tall figure walking toward him. It was difficult for Ryan to get a good look due to the fabric covering his eyes along with the wind, so he couldn't tell exactly what the man looked like. He did, however, notice that they came toward him very fast and, before he knew it, knocked into him.

Ryan fell to the ground, suddenly feeling pain shoot in his eyes. He held his head, feeling nothing but pain as he realized that the only protection he had for his sensitive eyeballs had unravelled and fell. He kept his eyes closed to reduce the pain as much as he could and searched for the fabric, feeling around him for any sign of the soft material. He heard footsteps draw near him and he stopped searching for a moment. It wasn't long after that he felt something strike the back of his head, causing him to blackout completely.

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