Chapter 8

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What you ask for, you shall receive!

Craig had his legs against his chest and his arms wrapped around himself. The two had moved to a nearby park and now sat on a bench. Tyler had helped Craig to calm down, and so he had stopped crying. The taller rubbed circles into the smaller's back so that he would continue to be calm. "Are you alright?" Tyler couldn't help but ask, concern lacing his voice. "Yes..? Maybe..? 'M better at least." They stayed in awkward silence for a bit before Tyler broke it with a question. "Back at the store, were you remembering... that place?" Craig flinched, knowing what he meant. The only thing he could think to reply with was a simple, quiet, "Yes." It was a painful memory and often haunted him. He wasn't sure whether or not he could really trust Tyler. He felt safe around the elder, but his mind kept screaming the same thing. 'Don't trust him! He's just using you! Don't let your guard down!'

He snapped back to reality as he felt an arm around him and tears running down his face. When did he start crying? Why did it matter so much to him if he could trust Tyler? He looked up and saw Tyler gazing at him with concern. "What's wrong?" He hesitated before telling the other, "It's nothing. Really." For some unknown reason to Craig, he didn't want Tyler to worry about him. "Look, I'm not really the best at comforting people, but I can still see when something's wrong. If you don't wanna tell me, fine. Just... know that you can trust me."

There it was. The exact thing Craig had been contemplating moments earlier. Those words hit Craig hard, but they also left a fluttering feeling in his chest that made him smile. Of course, his doubts were still there, but they probably always would be. For now, he was happy and for the first time in years, he felt truly and completely safe.

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