Marcel's Story

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 The young teenager paced back and forth, anxious and deep in thought. With his dad gone for business and his mother sick, he had to borrow some money in order to sustain the family. He just wished he had borrowed it from somewhere else. Now, his family was in debt and it was his fault. He felt the pressure of protecting his mother and siblings on his shoulders and it was all weighing down on him now. 

He hated himself for doing this to his family, but he didn't have much of a choice. He wished he could be stronger like his father and smarter like his mother. He wished he knew what to do, but his mind went blank as soon as he heard someone pound on the door. The only thing that went through his mind was that he needed to protect his family. 

He quickly but quietly ran up the stairs and into his parent's bedroom where his mom was fast asleep. He saw his two little sister's outside the doorway crying and cowering in fear. "Come in," he whispered, "and be quiet. I'll deal with this. Stay with Mom." He started walking away before he felt something tug at his shirt. "I love you. Please come back safe," his younger sister whispered to him. He bent down and hugged her before pushing her inside the room and shutting the door, wincing as it banged loudly. He heard the front door open and he knew it was now or never. 

He ran downstairs and faced them, immediately regretting his decision. They were all way taller than him- one looked like he was twice Marcel's height. They were all obviously strong and had muscle that didn't seem like it was for show. The one in the middle was the one he had met when he borrowed the money and he seemed like the boss. They were all intimidating and Marcel wanted to bury himself now. 

"You have the money?" the man in the middle asked. "N-No. No I-I don't!" He exclaimed, wishing that had come out as brave as he had wanted it to. The men to the side chuckled and one had a sick, twisted grin. "Well then, we gave you all this time. We're going to get what we deserve one way," he snapped his fingers causing his lackeys to walk forward, "or another." Marcel's eyes widened and before he could scream, he felt himself fall unconscious.

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