Jon's Story

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"JONATHAN! COME 'ERE!" He bit his lip and tried to ignore the loud voice of his father's. He didn't want to help his father anymore. He wanted to be a kid again. He had no choice. A firm hand grabbed his arm and yanked him out of his hiding place. Tears began to fall down his cheeks as the many horrible scenarios of what could happen went through his head. His father sneered and said, "Stop that, I ain't gonna do anything to ya'." His father grinned twistedly and Jon felt even worse than before. 'What does he mean? What's happening? Who's gonna hurt me?' These thoughts raced through his mind as he eventually became too tired to fight his father.

"Hello there~" He shot up his head at the unfamiliar voice. His eyes were met with that of a positively evil glare. He felt himself be nudged by his father before the man said, "Ah, not bad." The man then examined him thoroughly, his gaze unwanted by the young boy. He kept still, trying not to anger his father more than he already had. It wasn't until he heard the words, "Worth a pretty penny indeed. How much you want for him?" from the man that he began panicking and saying, "Wait, father! Are you selling m-"

His question was interrupted by a loud slap. His cheek burned red and stung. "Ya need to remember yer place, boy!" He looked up to meet his eyes with a glare angrier than he had ever seen. He immediately looked down and stayed quiet, listening. "Sorry fer him. He normally doesn't speak out of turn," His father apologized. The other man sounded like he was contemplating something.

"Well," he began, "that can easily be... taught... We'll take him." Jon then noticed the briefcase the other man held and gave to his father. "That should be more than enough." Jon looked back to his father, but unlike before, the man now had a twisted look of joy on his face.

"Ya hear that?" He asked Jon. "You've been sold, Jonny boy! Maybe now you'll actually have a use." He watched in terror as the other man walked toward Jon and grabbed him. "You're coming with me~" The next thing he knew, everything had gone black.

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