Chapter 7

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As Jonathan repeatedly hit the bag in front of him, Evan couldn't help but be slightly impressed and worried at the same time. It was clear that they had been through a lot and so it would make sense that Jon would have a lot of pent up anger, but Evan was still worried. Maybe Jon and the others would eventually talk about what it was like. For now though, Evan was extremely impressed because he could tell Jon knew how to fight. How he knew, Evan wasn't concerned... for now at least.

It had been a few days since all of them had gotten used to the gang. So far, it seemed like they were sticking with the people Evan assigned them to, back when they needed to learn the ropes. At least, all of them except for Marcel, but that was understandable. Jonathan appeared to be warming up to the older, which was a very good thing. The gang had reported to Evan about everyone else's behavior. It had seemed that he was correct in his assumptions. From what he had heard, Marcel was untrusting, Lui was very trusting, but hesitant, Brock was by far having the most difficult time adjusting, Ryan wouldn't talk to anyone but Luke and his friends and Jonathan-

Evan snapped out of thoughts when he felt a tug at his jacket. The other seemed to have been trying to get his attention for a while, but he had been so lost in thought that he didn't notice. "Is everything okay? I mean- it's probably not my place but-" The taller couldn't help but chuckle at the other. "Everything's fine. I was just thinking." Jonathan seemed to be happier, but it was hard to tell because of the mask. "You know you can ask me anything, right? There's nothing wrong with asking questions." The canadian had noticed his hesitance in asking if everything was okay, so Evan thought that reassurance might help. "Alright. In that case, can I ask you something else?" Evan nodded and smiled. 

"Um... Well, you say that you aren't the leader, but you seem to take care of most of the responsibilities a leader would so..." Evan could sense Jonathan's confusion. He thought for a moment for the best way to explain. "Well, I suppose I am a leader in the sense that I organize everything and they all respect me, but I don't view myself as the boss because they're all my friends. We all have an equal amount of importance in this gang. That includes you and your friends." The smaller seemed to understand and he went back to what he was doing. Evan watched the other as he felt a small tugging in his chest. He couldn't help but smile at Jonathan as he became lost in thought once again.

I know this is a much smaller chapter than what I usually write, but I've been very busy during this past month. I didn't want you guys to wait for an extended amount of time, so I decided to publish.

For the most part, I will be a lot less busy from now on- even if I still have quite a few things that take up my time- so I will (hopefully) be able to publish more often. 

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