Chapter 4, Part 4

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Sinnoh As a Region, Sinnoh's Best Sights, Sinnoh Champions and Chumps; An Extended Trainer Guide, Sinnoh Culture At Its Finest. The list goes on and on. Skimming the basement bookshelf again isn't a brilliant idea, but it's better than doing nothing. After all, that's what's driving Spark nuts here; she can't do anything to help anyone. No hands, as she so conveniently said earlier. Well, now she's stuck pacing upstairs. I can understand her restlessness here.
I shift a book aside to view another's title better. Dust kicks up from the movement, creating a cloud that inevitably ends up in my face. My dust allergies kick in straightaway;
"ACH-ooo!" I sneeze. Snuffling miserably, I continue the search with renewed vigor. Lotus comes to mind with every sneeze.
Lotus looks up from the Chimcar mask he had been examining. Oh dear, he's wearing a Turtwig mask, that looks really weird. "Bless you. Did you find it?"

No Lotus, I haven't found it yet.
I know if I look for long enough, I'll find it. There'll be something that will protect us from Full Moon's powers. If there's anything I've learned from battling, it's that all opponents have a weakness, and all enemies will fall with due time. One day, I'll fall myself. And if that is certain to happen, then I'm sure that this Darkrai can be taken down too. Even if it means dealing with allergies and snooze-inducing books. Ah, here's a book we missed before; it should have something on Darkrai. Sinnoh-opsis, All the Myths and Tales of Sinnoh. With hope, it at least will be more interesting.
A soft noise, repetitive and incessant comes from somewhere down here. It echos faintly in all the corners of the basement. Everything echos vaguely in here. The source of the sound has been shifting, with the sound itself is constant since I started my search down here. Now it gets a little louder, until I realize someone is speaking. Not really speaking, I suppose, but more of a chant. Every word gets steadily louder and more pronounced. I stop my searching to listen in.
"They toook the Lotuzzz, they toook the Bright. They toook the laaady-like, they toook the knight. They toook a ballooon, they toook zzzome birdzzz, they toook the one who zzzpeak no wordzzz. Now Joooy-joy and otherzzz want their friendzzz, and the Dark Ooone zzzhall try to achieve hizzz endzzz. The Dazzzher, the Zzzparkle, and the Pzzzycho learn that while zzzecrets zzzircle juzzzt above and ooout of reach, azzzking izzz a courtezzzy breach. To live izzz to love, to lozzze izzz to learn, and wheeen the Dark'zzz heart again yearnzzz-" Queenie buzzes out from behind a stack of boxes and stops singing. "Oh, heeello Joooy. Good mooorning?"
Shrugging, I pick Sinnoh-opsis off of the shelf. For a few seconds, I hold my breath as the dust floats by, to refrain from sneezing yet again. Once that passes, I give my reply. "It's the afternoon now, Queenie."
She doesn't look very surprised by that. "Time gooo too fazzzt for pooor Queenie. It gooo to zzzlow for pooor Joy."
"I suppose so. Queenie, what was it you where singing about? It sounded nice." Well, it had rhymed well, in spite of the chainsaw buzzing and the fact that it sounded something along the lines that she was declaring doom or something.
"It wazzz a zzzong."
"I'd guessed so."
She clacks her mandibles and pulls them apart in a smile. "It izzz a zzzong of thingzzz that are. It'zzz a niiice zzzong, if you know hooow it eeendzzz."
I'm not really sure what she means by this. Queenie is a Quirky as Lotus, and makes half the sense. "How does it end, Queenie?"
Dropping the smile, she points up. "Not liiike that."
I flinch a little when someone yells from upstairs. There are some particularly alarming crashing sounds, and well as a squeal. "NO YOU DON'T! STOP IT TWIRLA!" is shouted in your typical Spark-fashion. Something has happened, blatantly enough. Sighing, I drop the books and run back up the stairs. Flinging open the basement door, I am greeted with a sight that I didn't expect, yet certainly fits in with the previous sounds. Why does that happen so often of late?

Spark is shivering a little, and look pretty scared. No surprise, considering that she is hanging by her tail from the chandelier. The chandelier in itself swings from side to side, and is missing most of the small crystals that used to hang from it. They litter the floor in many fragments. Just another thing I'll have to pay for later. Not only that, but much of the furniture has been knocked asides. I can see an indent in the side of the coffee table, which is clear across the room and splayed against the wall. Lopy is curled up in a corner, not paying attention to the scene since she has completely retreated within her ears. Rascal stands off to one side, flabbergasted and open-beaked.
And in the center of the crazyness is Twirla. There she stands, staring somewhat dreamily up at Spark. Spark, in turn, is giving her a murderous look.
"If you weren't my best friend, I'd wring your neck for this."
Twirla smiles. "I wouldn't have done it if you weren't my best friend. You were sneaking off, and I can't let you go out and get yourself killed. You saw firsthand how strong Bright was under the influence of Full Moon. Going after both him, and Lotus, is like jumping into a pool of Sharpedo with a sign that says 'Eat me!' "
Spark shifts forward a little and peers down over the edge of the chandelier. You know, I had never known that I would be able to hold her weight. "At least, I wouldn't be stuck up in this high place." In a smaller voice I don't hear much from her, Spark whispers, "And you know how much I hate heights like this."

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