Chapter 4, Part 3

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Under less threatening circumstance, I am certain that I would completely question Psycho's sudden appearance, his lack of Possession, and the Ducklett. As it was, the insane Staravia crashing through the leaves behind us and shearing whole branches off of trees in a frenzy of the overused Steel Wing attack rather brutally shoved any of that out of my mind.

"We're going to die, we're going to die... a Dialga-be-darned birdy is going to kill us," Dasher mutters consistently to himself through the chase.
I hoped he was wrong as usual. If there's anything anyone doesn't want, it's to die a horrible death. With our luck, even a small Pokemon like Cosmo would deal us a terrible death under the sway of Full Moon. At the very least, Dasher would more likely than not think a death by him is worse than death from any of the Five, since we'll look a lot lamer dieing by the hands of a small avian. Even if the avian in question is taken over by an evil force. What bothers me, is why Full Moon wants to destroy me now. I had spoken to him earlier through Dasher. Surely he recognized me through Cosmo's eyes? Yet then again, it's safe to assume something has driven this Darkrai to insanity. Maybe whatever caused him to go nuts in the first place also cause him to forget our conversation. Still, I can't know anything for sure.

The only thing that could anywhere near comforting was that Psycho seemed to have some idea of where we were going. As he dashes on a few yards ahead of me, one of the Ducklett would whisper something to him every so often. After such, we would adjust our course, turning to a different direction. With hope, it was the way back to the mansion.
I refused to look back on our pursuer, as Dasher did. For one, it would slow us down. My real reason ran more along the lines of I couldn't stand to. Poor Cosmo. He wasn't a Pokemon I knew very well, but I could recall that he was pretty Bold. Once or twice, we'd spoken, and he'd been more polite than most of the other Obscures, leaving out our friendly Golly. It was bad enough hearing him shriek and crash from behind, let alone look at him in this devolved state. The forest from behind flashed in grey and white light shed of repeated Steel Wings, either so he could clear the branches in front of him, or just so he would hit us good when he managed to get close enough for a successful dive. I didn't want to actually watch him chase us, especially since the crashes kept sounding closer and closer...

"What the-" Psycho cuts off as the rough face of the cliffs emerge from the trees. Looming above as an impossible roadblock, there are only two possible directions we can go; left or right.
"Oopsie. We must 'ave guessed wrong," one Ducklett apologizes.
"SCCRWAHH!" Cosmo garbles out. Finally, I turn to see him flap out of the trees, swinging his beady eyes between the all of us. Lotus curls up tighter in my arms.
"Tat way!" one of the Ducklett yells, gesturing frantically to the right. Psycho immediately leaps in the indicated direction-
Only to have a Lucario swing out of a nearby tree to block his way.
"Roku?" Dasher gasps.
But how? Roku was at the house when I left it!
Roku turns his head to me. "Sparkle... of the House Pokemon. A little bird told me... you ran here." Cosmo has come to rest on a branch from the selfsame tree Roku had just jumped out of, siting eerily still.
Oh. I guess Full Moon hadn't forgotten our earlier meeting.
"Why would you... block my search? Paul never... he helped my search... where is he now? Where is she... for that matter?"
"Where is who?" My voice can't help but tremble a little as I speak. Psycho tears his eyes from Roku/Full Moon to give me a nervous look.
"He's talking about Moon Shadow, isn't he?"
Roku/Full Moon flicks his ears. "Where is she?"
My brother takes a step back from him. "I don't know."
With a growl, Roku/Full Moon lunges from him in a flicker of speed. The impact to too quick for the eye to follow, certainly too quick for me to go rush over and block with Protect. Psycho staggers back from the Extreme Speed noiselessly, whilst the Ducklett screech fearfully, but not in pain. For a minute, I am afraid he's been badly hurt. But it seems that Roku/Full Moon was going easy on Psy. Psycho rights himself before he could fall, catching a hold of the cliff wall and holding himself up haggardly. "I told you I don't know," he repeats.

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