Chapter 1, Part 6

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When you last left me off, they pretty Leavanny (Matrifol she said her name was) asked me about myself. Take a wild guess on what I did;

If you figured that I told the Leavanny all about myself, you win a free... well, nothing I guess. I don't have anything to give you. But that's not the point, the point is I pretty my told my entire life story to a stranger. Growing up with just me, Sparkle and Dasher, getting caught by Joy-Joy, even the part later on in life where Joy was intending to evolve me and Dasher. See, Dasher was intended to become Gallade, and I wanted to be a Gardevoir, but that's a whole other story. Dasher would blow his top if he knew I told that part. Don't say anything, please?

I seem to be wandering away from what happened after I told her all that stuff. Well, it took until about lunchtime. Matrifol was wrapping up my arm with leaves and a sticky silk as I finished the last of that story. It amused her, and she occasionally giggled. The guard Sewaddle liked the story too I think, because I heard a few snickers from their direction.

Sadly, it ended all too soon. Someone outside began yelling quite a bit. The owner of the voice got closer to the little cave, until I was able to hear what it was saying.
Matrifol visibly flinched. "My goodness it's nearly afternoon. Oh I've been gone too long, Chancellor Peaseblossom has noted my absence!"
Oh, that political powerhouse she was talking about earlier. If I remember correctly, she said that he had the real power in the forest Pokemon’s government, and that he didn't approve of much. I didn't think he would approve of the Queen fixing up "one of those funny house Pokemon".
Queen Matrifol breathed deeply and got up. "I have to leave now. You're not in splendid condition, and I fear Peaseblossom would give you a hard time. You can rest here a while, until you have your strength back. Good bye, loyal Psycho of the House Pokemon.
She swept out of the cave without another word. Aw, what bad luck I had that day, getting taken over by some weird shadow and beating myself up. Then, the first good thing that happens to me, Matrifol, leaves. Great Giratina, I can see why Dasher's so gloomy all the time, since he tends to get luck like this.
At least my arm stopped hurting.

While Joy and Lotus were left to figure out the riddle, us other four went off to find Psycho and Bright. Let me tell you, I wasn't in pleasant company. Roku spoke little, if at all. Aunt Spark had a funny look on her face, probably brooding and worried about Uncle Bright. I suppose you might wonder why I, a Gardevoir, call a Luxray my aunt and a Roserade and Infernape my uncles. It happens that my (adopted) mother Twirla considers them her siblings from all the travels they had together, which by extension make them MY relatives. This can be awkward sometimes. Especially when your mother also considers an ancient Empoleon her Grandfather, which gives me fishy-smelling GREAT grandfather.
I didn't even TRY to talk to Dasher. It's bad enough that my extended family is totally nuts, and even worse that my real flesh-and-blood older brother speaks nothing but sarcasm to me. I almost didn't want to find the other one, because constant cheerfulness is just as bad.

Thus, we walked through the trees in silence. The plan was to hike to the tree and let Roku lead us to one or the other using their auras. Once we found them, we would check if they were sane, and knock them out and drag them home if they weren't.
The only problem was what to do with them if they weren't sane and we managed to get them home. Actually, there's another problem; Bright was one of the Five, Joy-Joy's elite group of Pokemon. He's stronger than Cynthia's Garchomp, and that could pose a problem for the weaker three of us. Spark was also one of the Five though, so she might be able to knock him out, putting aside the equal chance that he knocks her out first.

But that wasn't relevant yet. We arrived at the Gaia Tree within fifteen quiet minutes, and nothing seemed to be wrong. Roku was sniffing around the area, trying to catch the fading scent of Bright and Psycho's aura.
"I can't track Psycho. His aura just... fades away after a few steps into the grass. It happens sometimes if someone has an abrupt inner-turmoil and is unsure of who, what, or where they are. Bright I can track. But there's one other thing..."
Roku shivers in the cool morning air. "What is it no-o-o-ow?" Dasher whines. "It can't get any worse than it is alre-e-e-a-a-ady..."
"I don't know about worse, but it's not right anyhow. There's a taint on their aura. I don't know what it is or why it's there, but it doesn't feel good. It's a sign that something has external control over them, and it fluctuates in Bright. See, as Bright approached the spot where Dasher was," here, Roku points to the root that Dasher has fainted on earlier, "It was strong and obviously in control. Where it meets Dasher's aura and interacts with him, it's all over the place, like Bright and the invader fought each other in Bright's mind. Then, the taint is suppressed for a few minutes. As Bright ran away, the taint starts fluctuating again. I have little idea if we'll meet Bright as himself or possessed. Psycho's taint is strong, and it's obvious the invader had complete control over him."

"I think that was the longest we've ever gotten Roku to talk. That must not be a good indication for our survival chances," Dasher whispers to me. "I suspect our world is ending, and us with it," I whisper back. Hey, Dasher's got a little humor I suppose. Too bad it's too close to the truth.

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