Chapter 13

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Half of you are probably pissed at me, lol oh well. I actually wasn't planning on Michael to disappear.. i was just writing and it came to mind. SO yeah. Here's another chapter you shits. And holy shit my room is messy.

#getbettersoonash :,( my baby.

(Oh. and there is a link to the very very fetus Black Veil Brides music video for Knives and Pens because it's stuck in my head ;3)

"Luke," Ashton says and looks around for Luke. It has now been two weeks since Michael left and nobody, nobody knows where he is. Calum decided to go buy food for the band, since there is none in the house. Ashton has been looking for Luke everywhere, and can't find him. He's not in his room, or either of the bathrooms, he's not in Mikey's bedroom or even his own, not in the kitchen, basically, he's nowhere. Ashton is getting worried. Even though Ashton thinks Luke is a douche bag, he still wants to help him.

Luke was in the attic that everyone forgot about. He, himself just discovered it not too long ago. He is just sitting there, razor in his hand. There's blood running onto the floor, it's a mess. This was the only place that his band members didn't think to look in. They can't catch him doing these terrible things up there.

He still can't believe Michael has been away for about two weeks now, it depresses Luke so mich, obviously. It kills him to know that it is all his fault. Michael won't answer any phone calls, text messages, face time calls, or notifications. It's just sad.

Luke wants to find Michael as fast as possible and cuddle with him, but those chances are slim. Michael hates Luke. Well, everyone hates Luke.

Michael hasn't posted anything on his social media since he left, and not even his family has seen him. The band is terribly worried.  What if he got sick? What if he died? Maybe Luke is finally getting his just desserts.

Luke, at the moment, is deciphering on whether he should still be alive. Luke usually does decipher with himself on why he's still alive. What's the point in living when you have nothing to live for? He often asks himself.

Luke lets the free tears sting down his cheeks, looking out the small round window. He hopes to see a boy with red hair, but all he sees is the once green trees starting to turn into an assortment of colors, leaves slowly floating off the trees and onto the ground. This reminds Luke of his heart at the moment, slowly falling apart.

Luke doesn't deserve to feel so sad. Isn't this what he wanted? He hurt Michael and now Michael is finally gone.

Faded away.

The blonde boy looks down and starts to clean himself up. After that, maybe he will try to call Michael again. Then he wants to ask Ashton if they should send a search party out for Michael. Maybe Michael is still out there, maybe.

After Luke cleans himself, he goes downstairs and into his room, where his phone lays on his bed.

Luke types in his oh-so secret passcode, unlocking his phone. 0 missed calls from Michael, 0 text messages from Michael, and no tweet notifications from @Michael5SOS.


Luke clicks on the phone app and quickly dials Mikey's number.





"Hello?" Michael whispers quietly.

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