Chapter 12

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Tbh I don't know if my story will get flagged if there is cussing in it so hopefully it won't._. THANKS FOR 21K HOLY BALLS

(Unedited as always because lazy)

Luke lays on the floor, limp and shaking. He stares at his hands as Michael grips his own hair, running into the room and pulling Luke up. Michael hugs him tightly, "What are you doing?" Ashton yells, confused. Michael shakes his head and pulls away, "Explain," Michael murmurs.

Luke also looks at Michael in confusion as he glances at the floor, "Mikey, I love you. I have for awhile now. And.. I dealt with my feelings in a fucked up way. I'm sorry, so sorry," Luke rushes out. Michael stood there, listening closely.

"At least now I can hear it from you when you're sober," Michael notes.

Luke gives him a weird look, "Huh?" He questions.

Michael chuckles bitterly, "When you were drunk, you admitted that to me. I didn't know if I could believe you," he says.

Luke looks at Michael, his mouth wide, "Did I really?" He asks, shocked.

Michael nods, "Yeah," he says and then bites his lip, "But I'm done being your little voodoo doll. I'm sick of it. I didn't want to get this depression and anxiety or this fucking eating disorder, but I did. Why? Because of you. I don't feel the least bad saying it. I didn't want to start to like you. How can I start to like someone like you? Someone who all they do is put me down down down. But no, my fucked brain decided to call you attractive now I'm all over the place. I don't know how you will think anything will work out between us now. We could have had something special but nope, you took that away. You ripped it away, actually. Now you have nothing, and nobody. This is your own damn fault, Luke Hemmings. And I don't feel bad for you," Michael says and left Luke there alone, more shocked than ever.

He was shocked with himself, how could he ruin his life like this? He was shocked at Michael, and how honest he was with him.

Luke is just, shocked.

Luke can feel the tears brimming in his eyes. Michael is right, this is all of his fault. He ruined everything. The blonde boy lets the tears slip.

Michael walks and grabs his coat, Calum staring at him. He has no clue what's going on. "Where are you going?" He asks the boy with freshly dyed red hair.

"Out. I'll be back later," Michael says harshly and walked out the door. He shivers at the already frigid air. He didn't think it would already be this cold. He nimbly pulls his headphones out and plugged them into his phone, listening to You Make Me Sick by Of Mice & Men. This song actually fit with Michael's situation at the moment.

Michael has no clue where he is going, or when he is coming back.


Three days.

It has been three days since the outburst with Michael and Luke.

Three days since Luke started self harming again.

Three days since Michael left.

All the boys have tried calling Michael, but he never answers. They've tried looking for him, but they can't ever find him. They don't know if he's either dead or alive.

There has been no proof that Michael Clifford is still alive in three days.

Luke is blaming it all on himself. Well, every one knows it was his fault, anyway.

Ashton and Calum are worried to the max. They have to lie to their fans about where Michael is. It isn't fun.

5 Seconds of Summer are not doing well at the moment.

Soon, three days turn into four, and four turn into five, until five turned into a week.


It's like Michael Clifford disappeared.

That's exactly it, though.

Nobody has seen Michael or have been in contact with Michael for a week now.

He disappeared.

Luke is completely depressed, his cutting getting worse.

Ashton doesn't feel bad at all for Luke, but still tries to help him.

Calum is just distant and quiet.

All of them are distant and quiet.

Michael was the life of their band, and now he's gone.

Gone. Disappered. Unseen. Invisable. Unreal. Lost. Removed. Withdrawn. Absent. Away. Defunct. Dissolved. Extinct. Missing. Vanished.


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