Chapter Two

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-- this is what is happening when Michael to his room in the last chapter --

"I'm going to head up to my room," Michael says as he stood up.

"Alright," Ashton says as Michael made his way up the stairs and into his room.

Luke watches intently as Michael limped up the stairs. He hated to hurt Michael, but that's the only way to push his feelings away.

"Mate," Ashton says and snaps his fingers in front of Luke's face.

Luke shakes his thoughts away and looked at Ashton, "Yeah?" He asks.

Ashton looks to the kitchen then back at Luke, "Calum asked you to help him," he says.

Luke nods and stands up, almost toppling over because of his over sized legs. He sighs and made his way into the kitchen. He looks at Calum, who was struggling to put some groceries away.

"Can you put this on the top shelf?" Calum asks as he handed Luke two cereal boxes.

Luke puts the cereal up without a word. I guess this is what being tall gets me.. He thought to himself.

Calum puts the milk in the fridge, "Thanks, mate," he says with a smile.

"Sure thing," Luke says and then walks out of the kitchen. He walks past Ashton and goes straight up to his room. He freezes and stood still while he watched Michael walk out of the bathroom and into his own room. He lets out a heavy breath of air of relief. Michael didn't notice him. Once Michael was in his room with the door shut, Luke made his way into his own room.

Luke shut the door behind him and sat on his bed, thinking. He mainly thought about Michael. Luke always thinks about Michael.

About Michael's green hair. The green hair he always pulls.

About Michael's face. The face he always hits.

About Michael's body. The body he always hurts.

Just about Michael in general.

Luke started to get tears in his eyes. This wasn't what he expected love would be like. He always believed love is beautiful, but love is shit. Love makes you lust and want. Love makes you do crazy things.

He stiffened when he heard a scream. A scream that came from Michael's room. Luke ran out of his room and saw Ashton and Calum jogging up the stairs. He put his hand up and mouthed 'I got it' to them.

Ashton and Calum nodded worriedly. They walked back down the stairs. Luke opened the door silently and walked into Michael's room. "Mikey?" He says softly.

Luke saw Michael, sitting on the floor. He was gripping his side. It made Luke's heart break. Michael had so much fear in his eyes. "G-Get away from me!" Michael yells at Luke.

Luke shook his head and steps closer to Michael, "Let me help," he says softly, kneeling down to the floor in front of Michael.

Michael pushes himself back against his bed, "H-Help? You w-would never help me! Go a-away!" Michael raises his voice at Luke.

"Just let me fucking help you!" Luke screams. Michael freezes out of fear and nods. Luke narrows his eyes at Michael.

"Take off your shirt," Luke mumbles. Michael shakes his head.

"Take. Off. Your. Shirt!" Luke says again.

Michael nods and took his jacket and then his shirt off slowly, whimpering. Luke ignores the scars and bruises on Michael's body and focused on the spot that he was holding earlier. His side was bruised badly and what Luke suspected is that Michael has a broken rib or two.

"I-I fell off of the bed and it h-hurt really bad," Michael says quietly.

"Tell me when it hurts," Luke says and presses his hand to the top of Michael's right rib cage. Michael shook his head. Luke presses his hand to the middle of Michael's rib cage. Michael shook his head again. But when Luke pressed his hand to the bottom of Michael's rib cage, he screamed. Luke pulls his hand away quickly.

"Right there it hurts?" Luke asks as he points to the spot he touched when Michael screamed. Michael nods.

"We can't take you to the hospital. You know why. So what we are going to do, is, you're going to act like you won't go to the hospital because you don't want to worry the fans, and I will wrap a wrap around your torso," Luke explains.

Michael nods and looks down, "I'll be back," Luke says and gets up and walks out of the room, plastering a worried look on his face. He goes down stairs and stood in front of Calum and Ashton.

"Is he okay? What happened?" Ashton asked worriedly.

"Well, Michael fell down the stairs earlier and hit his side pretty damn bad. So when he went to take a nap, he fell out of bed and landed on his side. I felt his right rib cage and it feels like he might've broken a rib or two. He refuses to go to the hospital because he doesn't want to worry the fans, so, I'm just going to wrap a wrap around his waist and hopefully, he will be fine," Luke explains. He didn't care he was lying through his teeth. He was the best liar he knew.

Calum and Ashton give Luke a worried look, "He needs to go to the hospital," Calum argues.

Luke shakes his head, "I kind of agree with Mikey here. We don't need to worry the fans. It's just easier if we just put a wrap on him and have him get lots of rest," Luke says.

Ashton sighs, "Alright.." He says, but not convinced.

Luke nods and goes back upstairs. He grabs the wrap from the bathroom and goes back into Michael's room. "Stand up," Luke orders.

Michael nods and stood up with a whimper. Luke walks over to him and wraps his torso up, "Now just get a lot of rest, okay? I'll let you off of the hook for now, but don't get used to it," Luke spat. He gave Michael his shirt and sighs, "Take it easy, okay?" He says before leaving the room.

Leaving Michael with a shocked look on his face.

A/N update yee.

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