Chapter Four

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Hey guys. So I decided its too early in the story for a character ask, but I decided, you can ask the characters any thing at any time and I'll put them in an author's note before the chapter starts. So you can comment a character ask at anytime basically. So here are the answers to the two questions that were asked.

@Lifes_Reject- To Michael: Why the hell don't you stand up to Luke and hit him back for once??

Michael- *bites lip* Mainly b-because I'm scared to. Luke will hurt me m-more if I do, or try to. S-Sorry...

@oliviaps- To Ashton and Calum: why don't u go up with Luke and help Michael even if he does say he's fine why don't u find out yourself?

Calum- Well.. Michael and Luke are obviously close and I'm not sure if Michael is comfortable with letting us help him on these things.

Ashton- I agree with Cal. Although I do worry sometimes. Michael's been acting.. weird. I don't know. Maybe I'll talk to him about it.

Calum- Yeah, we will both talk to him.


Once Luke came down from the bathroom, Calum walks up to him, "Is Mikey okay?" he asks, worried about him.

Luke eyes Calum, "He's fine." he says and walks away, going to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Ashton calls after Luke.

"Does it matter?" Luke spat at Ashton.

Calum furrows his eyebrows at Luke, "Quit being an asshole," he says.

Luke flips him off before walking out the door. Ashton was taken aback. He didn't know why Luke was acting like such a prick.

Calum sits by Ashton on the couch.

"What the fuck is his problem?" Calum asks.

Ashton sighs, "Don't swear," he scolds. 

Calum rolls his eyes, "I'm going to talk to Mikey," he says and storms up the stairs. Ashton shrugs and goes back to scrolling on his phone.

Calum opens Michael's door without knocking and sees him sleeping. He sighs and shakes Michael, "Mike," he says softly.

Michael groans and pushes Calum's hands off of him. He then sits up and looks at him tiredly, "What?" He grumbles.

"Do you know why Luke is being an ass?" Calum asks Michael.

Michael shrugs, "I don't know," he mumbles and lays back down.

Calum eyed Michael, wondering why he was wearing skinny jeans and a jacket when it was 80° (Fahrenheit) outside. "Mikey, aren't you hot?" he asks, worried.

Michael turns to look at him, "I'm fine," he says.

Calum sighs, "C'mon Mikey, let's go out tonight," he suggests.

Michael shakes his head, "No thanks," he says.

Calum frowns, "Please mikey?" he asks again, "You can get your eyebrow pierced like you've always wanted! And you can dye your hair a different color!" he says happily.

Michael sits up, "Fine fine, I'll go. Can you leave so I can get ready?" he asks.

Calum nods and runs out of the room.

Michael sighs as he strips out of his clothes and puts on a new set. He knew his friends would question him if he wore a long sleeve, so, he pit concealer and bracelets on his arms. He then put on black skinny jeans as usual and tosses his faded green hair into a lazy fringe. (he's going to dye it lilac tonight) Michael grabs his phone and slowly makes his way out of the room and down to the living room to see Calum and Ashton waiting for him.

"Where's Luke?" Michael wonders.

Calum rolls his eyes, "He left to God knows where," he says and picks up his phone, "Lets go, yeah?"

"Where exactly are we going?" Ashton asks.

"A club," Calum shrugs.


What should happen? I'm kinda having writers block.. comment please?

Sorry this was short, but people were demanding me to update so yeah..

love you guys xxx


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