Chapter Ten

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Michael rushes inside with Luke trailing close behind him, needing him alone. Luke wasn't going to give up on this. He is talking to Michael one way, or another. Michael grabs Ashton and drags him into a room. He pants as he locked the dole before Luke could enter.

Ashton adjusts his glasses, "What the hell, mate?" He asks Michael, annoyed.

Michael looks down before looking back at Ashton, "Sorry- I didn't mean to like- drag you in here. But, this is super fucking important, okay?" He rushes out.

The dirty blonde boy listens to everything Michael is saying. Ashton is a great listener, "Okay, Okay. Talk away, young one," he encourages.

Michael looks at Ashton, "This is.. a lot, alright? Are you ready?" He checks.

Ashton nods, "Ready as I'll ever be," he says, worried about what Michael is about to tell him.

"First off, I think that I'm gay," Michael says and looks at Ashton, waiting for a reaction.

"Okay, that's fine, Mikey. I accept you," Ashton says honestly as he pats Michael's back.

Michael grins at the hazel eyed boy, "Really?" He asks excitedly.

Ashton chuckles, "Well, of course. I would never judge you, Mikey," he says.

Michael nods, "Good, because next I'm going to tell you some batshit crazy stuff," he says and looks at Ashton in the eyes seriously, "Are you ready?" He asks.

Ashton nods, confused to what is happening and what Michael has to tell him.

Michael inhaled a deep breath before letting it out, "Luke abuses me, he hurts me and it's so fucking painful because it makes me feel like shit and makes me a fucked up freak and depressed and that's why I'm so distant because I'm depressed and Luke hits me and kicks me and burns me and just harms me so I harm myself, thinking I'm worthless. But the outer fucked up part is that when Luke was drunk he told me that he loves me or- in love with me and that he hurt me because he wanted to push away his feelings. And- fuck Ashton I feel like I like Luke and that's fucked up because I'm supposed to hate him-" Michael rushes out, starting to cry in sadness and frustration.

Ashton sat and stared at Michael, in shock. He was in pure shock and he wasn't sure what to feel at the moment. He wasn't sure if he should ask questions, yell at Luke, or yell at Michael. Everything hit him at once.

"Jesus Christ, Michael," Ashton mumbles as he rubbed his eyes, "I-I- goddamn. That's fucked up. I'm not sure what yo feel," he admits.

"I feel pain, sadness, and frustration," Michael explains to Ashton. Everything he was saying is true. He doesn't want to lie to Ashton about anything.

"Just- let me comprehend this," Ashton mumbles as he rubs his tem

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