Chapter 16:

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If you are younger then 15 don't read between the starts.

5 months later:

Rachel and I have been really busy lately. We decided that if the baby was a girl we would keep her. We don't know really what we will do if it's a boy. I can feel it growing inside me. It feels really weird. Rachel finally won the custody battle a week ago so we all moved into a two story house. The house has 10 rooms and a 5 bathes. The main floor has 3 bedrooms and a nursery. Mine and Rachel's room is right next to the nursery. The main floor also has a kitchen that has an island in it, a living room, and a movie room. The top floor has two bed rooms, a game room, and a club. All of the rooms in the house has a water slide in them that lead down to the pool. The pool has a grotto. It also has a sitting bar in the middle of the pool. It turns out that Rachel's uncle is rich but he's not the only one. My exs parents are trillionaires. Ever since they found out that I was pregnant they have been paying me $1,000,000 a month. They don't want to have anything to do with the baby if I don't want them to. They definitely don't want their son to have anything to do with the baby. He is in prison by the way. He will be there for 25 years if he is good. The parents said that they just wanted me and their grandbaby to have the best future that we can. I started college it hasn't been easy but I know it will be worth it. Rachel and I are on our way to the doctors to hopefully find out the sex of the baby. We walk in and they tell us to come to the back. We follow them. I lay on the little table. The nurse puts the jelly like stuff on my belly.  She starts moving the little thing that lets you see the baby on the screen around. She says, "That's weired I hear two heart beats."

Rachel says, "Isn't that normal? You hear Ann's and the baby heart beat."

"If we add Ann then I hear three heartbeats. Looks like you guys are having twins."

Rachel passes out. I say, "Baby baby are you ok?"

The nurse gets a bucket of water and dumps it on Rachel. Rachel then wakes up and says, "I'm ok I'm ok." She jumps up. The nurse and I just laugh. The nurse says, "It looks like you have yourself a baby boy and a baby girl."

Rachel gives me a hug. I get up and we leave. Rachel drives us back to our house. My mom and brother have been watching the kids. When we get inside they asked us how it went. I say, "Well Rachel passed out when she found out that we are having twins. One is a boy and one is a girl."

My brother laughs as I say that Rachel passed out. Rachel gets a shocked look that I told them. Rachel started chasing him until he stopped to hear what the babies sex was. My mom and him tell us congrats and give us a hug. My mom says, "So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to keep them because they are my babies." She nods. I then say, "Oh Rachel and I are getting married today at the courthouse if you guys want to come."

"What time?"

"Well we are going to get the kids in the van and then leave."

"Oh well don't take the van. I will take my car and your brother will take his. I can fit all of the kids in my car but I will split them up. I will take two and your brother will take two. You guys take your Lamborghini so that you guys can head up cost to the grand canyon after you guys get married. Your brother and I will stay with the kids for three days."

"Ok that sounds good to us."

We loud the kids in my mom's and brother cars. Rachel and I get into our black Lamborghini that has suicide doors and a sunroof. I bought the vehicle for us before I bought the house. I didn't have to make payments on it. I also got us a lot of free vehicles since my babies granddaddy is the owner of the dealership. He wanted to give me the Lamborghini for free but I told him no that I would buy it. It cost $50,000  and he said he gave us a discount so I don't know how much they normally cost. We drive to the courthouse. The judge knows my mom so he helps us speed up the process before sending us to the justice of the piece. He made sure that we got bumped to the front of the line. We get married and say are I does and then give are family a hug. We go to are car. Rachel says, "So do you want to go to the grand canyon or do you want to call our babies grandparents and take their jet to Greece?"

"I don't want it to feel like we are using them so let's just go to the grand canyon."

She nods. 18 hours later we are cheecking into a hotel room. We get the honeymoon sweet. We go upstairs and lay on the bed.

*I start making out with her and she starts making out with me. I get on top of her and start grinding on her. She starts moaning and its the sexiest moan I have ever heard. She starts taking off my shirt I help her take it off all of the way. She starts kissing my belly. I start laughing. She says, "-What's so funny?"

"Well when you kissed my belly the babies decided to kick for the first time."

"Awe that's awesome. Are you sure it's ok for the babies that we do this?"

"Yeah I asked the doctor and she said it was fine as long as you're are not on top of me." She nods and takes my bra off and starts playing with my boobs I start moaning. Then she starts lick, nibbling, and sucking on them. I moan even louder. She smiles at me. I then slide down and take her shorts and thongs off. I start rubbing her post. She starts moaning. I then start sucking on her clit. She moans even louder. I start licking circles around her clit abd she starts moaning even louder. I start hitting her g spot and licking her pussy. She moans really loud and says, "I'm about to cum." I go faster until she arches her back and screams my name. She then cums and I lick it all up. She takes my pants and boy shorts off. She picks my pussy. I start moaning for her. She starts finger fucking me. I moan and scream her name. She then starts hitting my g spot with her tongue and licking my clit. I moan one last time. I arch my back and release everything I have in me. She licks it all up.

* We lay down next to each other on the bad. I say, "Danm that was amazing. I love you so much."

"Yes it was and I love you too Mrs.Gomaz." I smile and lay my head on her chest. We fall asleep.

A/N: I hope you liked. Comment, Vote, or both. What did you guys think? There will probably only be two more chapters after this one.

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