Chapter 15:

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A month later:

I get home and go to the tree house. Rachel and I have been staying in the tree house ever since I started dating her again. She is in the middle of a very heavy custody battle with her parents for her siblings. My mom has told us that if she wins then we will have to move out because there isn't enough room here for everyone. Rachel has a really good job that pays her a lot of money. She works at a call center and she is their best sales person. She has started to go to college to become a cop. I am in my final two months of high school. I want to be a massage therapist. I know it will be hard but I'm not going to let my disability hold me back. I have tried to tell her that I want to marry her but she just keeps on changing the subject. I walk into the tree house. Rachel looks at me and says, "What's wrong baby girl." I go and sit next to her. I say, "Don't hate me for what I'm about to tell you."

"I could never hate you."

"You say that now but it's all my fault so you will hate me. I just went to the doctors because I was feeling weird. Well it turns out the reason I feel weird is because I'm pregnant. It's all my fault because I made him think it was ok. I shouldn't have been such a tease and then this would never have happened to me. I'm going to give the baby up for adoption."

She wraps her arms around me. "Baby girl don't ever think what that sick dude did to you was your fault. It's up to you what you want to happen to the baby but I will be here for you. I will raise the baby like it is my own if you want me to. I love you always have and always will. I will take care of you and the baby."

"I love you two but don't know if I can keep this baby. Also how do I tell my mom and brother. They will be so disappointed in me."

"Baby I will be there for you. We can tell them together. They won't be upset because they know it isn't your fault." I cuddle up to her. She starts running her fingers through my hair. I start rocking back and fourth because I'm scared. She holds me closer and tighter. She doesn't say anything to me which I'm happy about because I don't want to talk. I fall asleep in her arms. I take a nap. She wakes me up. She says, "Baby your mom called me and said it was time for dinner." I sit up and stretch. She kisses me and I kiss her back. She whispers to me, "Everything is going to be ok. Even when you don't think that they will I will be here for you."

"I know you will be baby."

We get up and go inside. My mom says, "So how was your guys day?"

Rachel says, "My day was good. I'm getting closer to having custody of my siblings."

"That's good. Am how was your day?"

"Where is my brother?"

"He's coming. He just running a little late why?"

I start rocking. I lie and say, "You know I don't like changes in our schedule. I can't eat without him being here." She believes me because it isn't a total lie that is how I am normally. She says, "It's ok we will wait until he gets here. He couldn't help that his boss made him work late. He called and told me to tell you that he's sorry." I just nod. Five minutes later he walks in. He says, "I'm sorry that I'm late but why didn't you guys start eating?"

My mom says, "Your sister didn't want to start without you."

He looks at me and sees me rocking. He gives me a hug trying to calm me down. He then sits down worried because it didn't calm me down when it normally does. I say, "I have something to tell you guys."

Rachel puts her hand on my knee for support. It makes me feel a little bit better but I was still a little nervous. I say, "Please don't get mad. I'm pregnant but I'm planning on putting it up for adoption." My mom and brother get up and come hug me. My brother says, "We aren't mad but I'm going to kill him."

"Bro chill out I don't need you going to jail." He calms himself down. My mom says, "When did you find out?"


"Who came up with the decision of adoption?"

"I did mom. Rachel wants me to keep it. She told me that she would stand by me what ever choice I make. She also said she will raise the baby as her own."

"Well it is your choice but I agree with her. I would help you guys as much as I can since it would be my grandbaby. I think it would be to hard for you to give the baby up for adoption."

"I can't keep this baby it will just remind me of that day. I don't want to think about him. I don't want his baby."

"Hun your baby and my grandbaby is not just his kid it is yours also. If you get attached then I don't want you to think as it as just his baby because it isn't. Also there's a chance that the baby won't even look like him."

"I'll think about keeping it but that will be a decision between my girlfriend and I."

Rachel says, "Actually it would be a decision between you and your soon to be wife. That is if you would make me the happiest woman in the world and be my wife." She gets down on one knee and opens up a box. It has a huge diamond ring. I start crying. I say, "Yes of course I will be your wife." She picks me up and starts making out with me. My mom clears her throat and says, "Your brother and I are still in the room." We stop kissing. My brother says, "Congrats." My mom and him give us a hug. We finish dinner then Rachel and I go to the tree house. I start making out with her. She starts kissing me back. I start putting my hands up her shirt. She says, "I want to do this right with you. I don't want us to do anything until we are married." I kiss her and say, "Ok I will be counting down the days until then."

A/N: I hope you guys liked this update. Comment, Vote, or both. Tell me what you guys think.

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