Chapter 12:

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A year after Rachel dies:

So to catch you up on my life I stopped seeing Rachel all of the time 2 months after she died. I would see her every once in a while. I haven't seen her for 2 months now since I have started dating someone new. I started dating a boy named Josh because I didn't want to deal with having another girlfriend. I could never have another girlfriend because of Rachel. I love Josh even though I'm not that attracted to him. He treats me like a princess but he also treats me like I have a disability. He will say something then look at me abd say oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. He says that all of the time and I will get mad. Then he will treat me like a princess and I will get over it. He also sometimes treats me like I don't know anything. The only reason I'm with him other then the fact I love him is because I want everyone to think I'm ok. I'm host going through the motions but I'm ok with that since that's is how my life is going to be the rest of my life. Ok well know that your caught up it's the one year anniversary of Rachel passed away. I wake up and start getting dressed to go to her grave. I'm taking her little brother and sister with me. The others are going to be going later on. My phone rings abd I pick up. Josh says, "Hey baby what are you doing?"

"I'm getting ready to go some where."

"Where are you going?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Well now I am worried. Where are you going?"

"I don't always tell you everything and I'm not going to tell you."

"Well that's stupid. Oh I'm sorry baby girl I didn't mean to say that."

"Yeah whatever."

"Well can we hang out later on?"

"No today isn't a good day."

"Whatever be that way if you want to I don't have to date you know."

"Go date whoever you want I don't really care anymore."

"I'm sorry baby I shouldn't have said that. Will you forgive me?"

"Yeah I guess but I got to go."

"Ok bye ilu."

"Ilu2" We hang up. I put on a tank top and short shorts. I put on make-up. I hear a knock on the door. A minute later my brother comes in and says, "The lil ones are here. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah thanks for taking us."

"Your welcome." We walk out to the living room and tell the little ones to come on. They get up and we go to the car. My brother drives us to the cemetery. We get out and he drives away. My mom will be picking us up in 30 minutes. We walk to Rachel's grave. The little ones say, "Hey sis we are here with our new sister Ann. Ann say high."

"Hey baby. Yeah they called me their big sister. I hope you don't mind but I have grown really close with all of your siblings."

Rachel's 5 year old sister says, "Ann can we sing the song now and do the dance?"

"Yes hun we can. Rachel this is a song I wrote and a dance I helped the twins come up with. 1, 2, 3 hit it. We miss you yes we do but we know we will see you one day soon. We know you don't want us to cry for you but we can't help it. We love you so much. Your are an angel now flying above the clouds. If only we could fly on your back through the clouds." While I'm singing the kids are doing a dance. When I sing yes we do they nod their heads. When I say one they hold up a finger. When I say cry they act like they are drying each other's tears. Then when I say we can't help out they shake their heads. After that when I say we love you they draw a heart. Finley when I say flying they start running around with their arms open like they are flying. I keep singing and they keep dancing. When we are done. We stand there and then Rachel's sister starts to run off. I look up and see Rachel I mumble shit. Her twin runs after her. I run after them. I see Rachel pick up her sister and I know for a fact that ghost can't pick up someone. I stop in my tracks. She walks up to me with her siblings in her arms. I say, "But how."

"Hey baby."


"I'm not really dead."

"What are you talking about."

"Hey kiddos can you go play over there?"

They nod. She puts them down. They run off and then she turns to me. She hugs me abd truss to kiss me but I push her away. I say, "Tell me what the hell is going on."

"Well my mom has a pimp that she was going to sale me to. If she didn't do that my dad was going to kill me."

"So what did you do."

"I ran to my uncle's house where I knew I would be safe. I knew my parents wouldn't say I was a run away because they didn't want me. They rather I be dead. I wrote you a note before I left. Also I couldn't just leave my siblings or you so that's why you keeped seeing me."

"When I confronted you you could have told me the truth."

"I didn't want to put you through that I rather you of thought I was dead. I wanted you to move on because I wasn't worth holding on to."

I slap her and say, "That was up to me not you."

"If you want we can get back together. I'm adopting my siblings."

"I have moved on and I don't want to be put through what you put me through."

"I won't do it again I promise."

"Whatever I'm still taken."

"Yeah I heard about him which shocked me."

"Well it's none of your danm business."

"Just think about it for a week. Then if you want to be with me we can get married."

I laugh and say, "You really think I would marry you after what you did to me."

"Just think about it and let me know next week."

I see my mom drive up so I let the kids say bye and take them to the car. We drive away.

A/N: What do you guys think. I told you that there may be a twist and that was it. Please comment, vote, or both if you liked it.

Living with a disability (lesbian)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin