Chapter 4:

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Rachel and I have been hanging out every day for two weeks now. My teachers and family have noticed a big difference in how I've been acting. They can tell that I am happier than ever. While Rachel and I have hung out we have talked n gotten to know each other better. She told me that she is bi and I have told her that I'm a lesbian. She doesn't treat me differently than other people who don't have a disability. A lot of people in my life do so it's good to have someone who doesn't. When I get home today I go up to my tree house. Rachel is there waiting for me. She gives me a hug. She says, "I have missed you so much today."

"I have missed you too."

We sit down next to each other on my couch. We start watching tv. After ten minutes I look at her and catch her looking at me. She smiles and looks away. She has been doing this a lot lately. She says, "You have an eyelash on your check her let me get it."

She puts her finger on my cheek. She lets it linger on there for a second. When she pulls it away. She says, "Make a wish."

I blow on it and she smiles. She has the most amazing smile. It lights up her whole face. She starts playing with my hair. I lean in and kiss her. She looks shocked. I say, "I'm sorry I'm always reading the signs all wrong."

"You weren't I'm just surprised because I have been flirting with you for a week and I haven't had any reaction from you."

"Oh I'm sorry I'm really bad at reading the signs of flirting."

"It's ok."

I lean in to kiss her.

She holds up a hand. I stop. She says, "I want to do this the right way. Ann will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Rachel I will be your girlfriend." I smile. She kisses me on my cheek. I start blushing. She puts her hand around me. I lay my head on her shoulder. A loud noise starts up. I cover my ears. She stands up and screams out if the tree house window to shut up. The noise stop and she comes and sits next to me. I say, "Thanks."

"Your welcome anything for you baby girl."

I smile and lay my head on her shoulder.  I fall asleep laying on her. I wake up two hours later. Rachel looks at me and says, "How did you sleep baby girl?"

"I slept good. Do you want to stay for dinner?"


"Ok come on inside."

She fall me inside. My brother's girlfriend is there. She doesn't like me for some reason. She is sitting on his lap. He makes her get off when I come in. She rolls her eyes and looks at me. My mom says, "Dinner is ready. Oh hey Rachel."

"High Ms.L."

We all go and sit at the table. My mom made home made pizza and breadsticks.  My brother's girlfriend says, "Hun your taking me to the prom this weekend or else. I already got the tickets."

He looks at her and says, "You know I don't dance."

"Who cares you are going to go, dance, and be happy or else."

I mumble, "What a control freak."

She looks at me and says, "If you got something to say then fucking say it."

"I just think that you need to stop trying to boss my brother around."

"Shut the fuck up because you don't know shit. Your a dumb ass who can't do anything or say anything right. You can't even get anyone to date you because you are a retarded person." She makes a sign with her hand that isn't nice. A lot of things happened at once after that. I started crying, my brother says, "That is my sister don't say that about her.", and Rachel jumps out of het seat and grabs my brother girlfriend. Rachel pins her to the wall and starts beating the crap out of her. Rachel says, "She is dating someone and that someone is me bitch and you just pissed the wrong person off. You don't disrespect her in her own home." Rachel keeps punching her in the face. My mom trys to get Rachel off of my brother's girlfriend.

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