Chapter 6:

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Rachel's P.O.V:

When I first met Ann I had a crush on her. Then when I found out she had a disability I didn't care because I knew I wanted her as a girlfriend. Also I think another reason why I didn't care is because I have a mood disorder that makes me really depressed at times which when people find out they start treating you differently and I think it's the same way with a disability. I will never let Ann know about my mood disorder because I don't want to put that on her. When she kissed me I stopped her because I wanted to do things the right way. I was so happy that she said yes. When Ann's brother's girlfriend was attacking Ann with her words I just snapped. She's lucky that Ann's mom pulled me off of her or I might have killed her right then and there. When Ann woke me up from screaming I felt so bad that I started crying and she held me in her arms until I feel asleep. Sometimes my dreams turn into nightmares because of all the things I have seen in my life.  I wake up to the alarm ringing and I wake Ann up. I kiss her and tell her to have a good day at school. I leave and go home. I much rather spend time at Ann's place because I never know what I will walk in on at my house. I walk in and hear moaning coming from my mom's room. I go to my room and crank my radio to ACDC. My mom and dad are still married but my dad is a drunk. While my mom is addicted to sex and she likes hitting me when she doesn't get her way. During the day from morning to evening I have to listen to my mom moaning to different men. There's a little bit of brakes in between but during that time my mom is normally yelling at me or slapping me around. In the evenings when my dad finally gets home he slaps my mom around and sometimes me until they have sex. The worst part is they will have sex anywhere at anytime so I never know if I will accidentally walk in on them. If I do then my dad starts yelling while my mom starts slapping me. I have to deal with this every day but I will never tell Ann because I am going to be the strong one in this relationship. I don't have a job because my parents won't let me. I can't move out because I have to be there for my little siblings I don't care if I'm slapped around as long as they are safe. My mom comes in my room naked and turns my radio off. She says, "You should have been quite because Tom left when he heard the music! Do you know how hard it is to get that man excited enough for him to do his job! And where the hell was you last night when your little siblings needed you?"

"I was at my girlfriend's house and can you get out. I don't want to see you naked."

"Oh yeah I forgot that you was one of those. I don't see how you can't like men when you are my daughter."

"It's because of you that I'm like this. I don't want to turn out like you being the neighborhood slut and all."

She slaps me and screams, "I'm your mother you will respect me in my own home! Now stay in here with your music off until I tell you to come out!"

She slams and locks my door from the outside with a key so that I can't get out. I lay down and start crying. I think to myself I can't wait until my baby gets home so I can go hang with her. No more then 5 minutes go by and I hear my mom screaming some new guys name. My dad knows how my mom is but in his eyes it pays the bills. My mom has 3 suger daddys and two of them pimp her out. She has tried to get me my own suger daddy but I don't want any part in that. My mom walks in and says, "Danm Rachel my clients wife is in the front yard flipping out can you go calm her down please?"

I get up and walk out. The wife says, "Are you the slut who is sleeping with my man?"

"No ma'am that would be my mom."

"Well then let me see her so I can whoop her ass."

"I can't let you do that I'm sorry. Your husband isn't here right now so how about you come back when he is so you can catch him in the act."

"Ok I will do that." She gets in her car and drives away. My mom pimp who just drove up smiles at me. I shake my head. He gets out and says, "Looking good hot stuff. You want to buy anything today?"

Along with being a pimp he is a drug dealer. I shake my head and walk over to Ann's tree house. I chill here until she gets home.

A.N: I hope you guys don't mind me putting Rachel's p.o.v and background into this story. I kinda had to do it so when something happens later on you guys will understand why. If you like it please vote, comment, or both.

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