Chapter 10:

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It's a week later and I am just getting home from my first day back at school. When I get out of my friends car I think I see Rachel but the next second she is gone. Like I said I don't believe in ghost so I just go up to my tree house. When I get in there I smell the perfume that Rachel used to wear. My drawings and songs about death are turn up on the floor. I start crying. Why would someone do that to my work. I get really mad and break my window. My I break it I see Rachel standing behind me. I turn around but no one is there. I grab my head and think what is wrong with me. Her brother comes up the stairs two at a time. He says, "My siblings and I think that we have seen Rachel. We want to know if you have seen her also."

"I don't believe in things like that. However I have seen her too but I think it is just because we all miss her bud."

"I don't think it's that. I think she is watching over us kinda like an angel."

"You can believe what ever tough want but I'm going to believe what I want."

"Well fine then when you change your mind here's my number so that you can call me." He writes down his number. He then leaves. I look out the window and think I see her again but I shake my head. I start watching mine and her favorite movie. I can still hear her laugh and cry on the parts that she did both with. I hug my pillow and it smells a lot like Rachel. I fall asleep. When I wake up I have a note on me that is in Rachel's handwriting. It says, "Baby got to move on and find someone new. Also stop drawing and writing songs about death. I get goosebumps up and down my body. I think to myself there is no such thing as ghost there has to be another explanation for this. I go and eat dinner. My brother whispers to my mom that he thinks that he saw Rachel more then once today. My mom shakes her head. I say, "That's impossible isn't it?"

My mom says, "Yeah there it's no such thing as ghost."

My brother says, "It's possible because of the love that you guys shared for her not to leave you right away."

I finish eating and then do the dishes. After that I go and take my shower. Then I go to my room and lay down I think about what has all happened today. I look at the window and swear I see Rachel's face. I start shaking. I shake myself to sleep.

A/N: I hope you guys liked this update. There may be another twist before it's over but there is only for more chapters left. Please comment, vote, or both.

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