Chapter 8:

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I have just got home from school and my baby isn't there. I wait an hour and then go to her house. I knock on the door. A woman who I assume to be her mom opens it. I say, "Is Rachel home?"

"Who is asking?"

"I'm Ann her girlfriend."

"Oh well I have a letter from Rachel for you." She gives me a letter and closes the door. I walk to my tree house. When I get inside I open the letter.

It says, "I'm sorry Ann I couldn't take my life anymore. You was the only thing good in it. Even though that was the cass I couldn't hold on anymore. I will always love you and I will see you one day but for now I'm in a better place. Please move on with your life and let someone else in as much as you let me in. You was my true love and you made me so happy so don't blame yourself. It was my home life that sucked. Well I love you bye. Your love Rachel."

I start crying even though I don't really know what it means. I walk to the house so that my brother can read the letter and tell me what it means. He reads it then walks to his room to make a phone call. I don't hear what he says at first but then I hear him say, "So should I tell her or wait until you get home?"

"Oh ok." He walks out abd tells me to sit down. I do. He sits next to me. He says, "Sis this letter means that Rachel killed herself." I start crying and he wraps his arms around me. I put my head on his shoulder and start balling my eyes out. My mom walks in 5 minutes later and I am still crying really hard. She comes sits on the other side of me and wraps her arms around me. I say, "Rachel killed herself."

"I know darling I'm so sorry." I start crying even harder. My mom says, "Do you want me to go to her house with me and find out when the funeral is?" I nod. She helps me to my feet which is really hard to do because my legs feels like jell-o. My brother helps my mom steady me. We all walk over to Rachel's house. My brother knocks on the door. Rachel's mom opens it. She says, "What do you want?"

My mom says, "Sorry to bother you and for your loss. We would like to know when the funeral is."

"We ain't having one because she killed herself. Also I don't need your sorry it's one less mouth to feed." I start balling again. My mom says, "Well if you don't mind we would like to give her one."

"Whatever her body is at the merge. You better hurry though caz they are going to creammate her soon and dump the ashes in the river."

My mom nods and we walk back over to my house. My mom makes a phone call and I cry myself to sleep.

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