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So I get a phone call from TNA management telling me that I'm reinstated, I'm allowed to go back to the company and I never got back in touch with TNA over my job there, I only came to support my sister to defend herself and I thought that was it.
Don't get me wrong I'm delighted by this news and I'm glad that they considered me back but I don't know who was responsible for this because it wasn't me and my sister and Braxton had nothing to do with it so I think Eli had something to do with this.
Me: "Hi Renesmee"
Renesmee: "Hey"
Me: "What's up?"
Renesmee: "Nothing really just happy with the fact that Robbie and I are dating now"
Me: "That's great"
Renesmee: "So I heard you were reinstated, when I heard that I was so shocked"
Me: "Yeah me too"
Renesmee: "How is this possible?"
Me: "I think Eli had something to do with this"
Renesmee: "You think so?"
Me: "Oh yeah" 
So I walk into the building to report that I'm back and I'm actually talking to the management this is the first time I have seen them in weeks and weeks and weeks.
Billy: "Welcome back Chantelle"
Me: "Thanks"
Billy: "We know your sister Allie has been through so much and we are doing our best now to make sure that incidents like this don't happen again and...."
(Cut off by me)
Me: "Sorry to interrupt you Mr. Corgan but I have a question to ask"
Billy: "Ok what is it Chantelle?"
Me: "Is Eli Drake behind this?"
Billy: "I'm not obliged to say Chantelle"
Me: "Hmm then maybe I'm not gonna comment on what I think about this company"
Billy: "Chantelle..."
Me: "Anyway thank you for the welcome back, I promise you I will not let you down"
Billy smiled and let go what I said earlier but you know I have a right to know the truth because I originally didn't want to come back here but I have no choice to be honest I've already became a bigger name enough as it is.
You know what they say, the show must go on and it's going back on with no problems, Maria and Mike are out and the only person to blame for why I was fired in the first place was because of Amy and she's the one I will be getting my revenge on sooner than later, nows my time.

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