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So I was right yet again Miss Maria is just making all this become beyond a joke now it's getting stupid and ridiculous, she's making everything about herself now.
Sienna got angry at Allie yes but Miss Maria told her to take the night off while she deals with Allie and yeah she made Allie give up the title to her so it suits her own End and everyone booed her out of the building and yeah now I kinda feel sorry for my sister but that was expected, I can't say I'm not shocked now.
My sister was crying backstage and I told her to calm down and everything, I even said if Miss Maria sees her like that then she's won anyway so Allie stopped getting upset and things were better for the time being.
Plus Maria has to defend the title against Gail Kim and if Maria loses on the night Gail becomes a TNA Hall of Famer then Maria loses her Authority over the entire Knockouts division, I hope to God Maria loses after what happened tonight, Karma is a bitch and it's coming for Miss Maria sooner than later.

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