Chapter 14- Not a Dream

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Please be a dream, please be a dream, if the world is just this will all be a dream. I mean there is no way yesterday was actually a thing, no way there is a curly haired jerk breathing next to me, having his wannabe pop band arm around me right now. Kill me.

I outwardly groan and throw his tattooed arm off of me, without even opening my eyes. 

You know if I don't open my eyes this will all just drift away, oh come on I'm not that stupid, this is totally happening.

"Big headed, wannabe, arrogant, pretentious...." I start mumbling under my breath.

"You know Georgia it's not good to talk so badly about yourself, especially this early in the morning. I mean you don't have to tell me, I know you're all those things and more. Let me sleep, and then later we can come up with an extensive list of how awful you really are. Don't worry though; I won't add to it how terrible of a morning breath you have." Harry grumbles and turns on his side to face away from me.

I guess when people say evil never sleeps, they were right. I sigh and finally open my eyes to the dull place Harry calls a room.

"You know it's funny, you must be mistaking my breath for your pungent body odor, and when was the last time you cleaned your sheets? They smell like old Ramon, feet, and oh what is that, mhm yeah is that the smell of a cesspool of garbage. I can't believe I get to be the lucky girl who gets the honor of smelling a famous degenerate this early in the morning." I sarcastically spew at him, then take a deep inhale of breath for emphasis, just to make my point I even gag a little.

"Not now Georgia, It's too early for your mouth." Harry groans once again, and throws his pillow over his head."

"Well Harry.."

"Leave me foul beast, you can no longer plague this land with your fire breath." Harry says in a joking tone and hits me in the face with the pillow that was over his head.

I leap out of his bed to stand; taking with me the pillow he hit me with.

"Lucky for you, this beast wants breakfast. Have fun sleeping in you fungus infested bed, ogre." I chuckle and chuck the pillow back at his head, before I leave his room.

As I close the door I hear him mutter something along the lines of, "the prude has a good aim". I ignore his comment and make my way to the kitchen.

Lucky for me, I have a keen sense of memory, and find my way to the kitchen with ease. Oh but finding where the bowls are; now that will most likely be the death of me.

I start opening cabinets, looking for the place which will most likely hold some bowls for cereal or something. I mean a house full of boys, there is bound to be cereal around.

Come on, have mercy and let me find one bowl. Is it really necessary for a kitchen to have this many cabinets, it's ridiculous really.

FINALLY! A mixing bowl!

I grab it from where it was on the second shelf, and smile. I mean it's a little big to be a cereal bowl, but a girl has to eat, and at this rate I would starve before I find a regular bowl. I still have to go on an adventure to find the cereal, and no one is even up, so mixing bowl it is.

"Cool, are you making pancakes, because I could really go for some pancakes. Oh and maybe some water, this hangover is killer." A voice chuckles behind me

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