Chapter4- I didn't mean it like that Harry

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I can’t say the start to my little adventure wasn’t a rocky one. I mean ME a prostitute…..really. All I have to say is next time, they need better security……or you know maybe an exit that isn’t blocked. Though I didn’t know my little adventure had just started. Hey, I mean if the night would have just stopped there we wouldn’t really have much of a song now would we.


“ SAID HER NAME wasn’t candy summmmmmers, and she wasn’t a prosssstitute. I said what hell are youoooooooo then, she said not a little creepy fan. And we had the most creepiest night ever”


Now that sounds like a good song……




Chapter 4-



“And you guys came running in, and that’s my story” I explain my night to them.  All the boys are sitting on the couch now, they all decided to take a seat the moment I mentioned the body guard asking if i was ' the woman for the night'.  They all got a laugh out of that. They don’t look as confused as they did at first.  Zayn gets up from the couch and goes to the mini fridge grabbing water.

“My name is Georgia, and I think this is the part where I leave.”  I get up and wipe off my lap. I finished my story, and it looks like they won't call security on me, so I guess this is the part where they can just point me in the right direction and I can be on my way.

“Then you thought wrong Georgia. Why leave now? I mean you got yourself into this. We don’t bite, I mean  any girl would kill a man to be in your spot right now, enjoy it.” Says the cheeky boy with the curly hair. He has also stood up, and is now in front of me, blocking my way to the door.

“Well that’s the difference I would kill a man to not be here right now.”  I mean yeah that is a little extreme, but I don’t enjoy cocky people. I get it your famous, but that doesn’t mean everyone loves you. I love to take cocky people down a peg, but you know I doubt that even got through his cocky barrier. I take a step around him.

“What Harry meant was that you should stay. I mean it’s obvious you’re not a fan, and you have something against us. Why not stay here, and at least get to know us before you make judgment. I mean who would you be to judge someone without knowing them.  Let me properly introduce myself I am Liam, Liam Payne. I apologize for Harry over there. He……well has had a bad week. We let you explain your story; you should let us explain ourselves” Liam slowly walks over to me and puts a hand on Harrys shoulder. Liam gives me a soft smile.

I squint my eyes, and think Liam does have a point. I mean could I possibly be stereotyping them as jerks just because of their fame? I guess it couldn’t hurt to find out. I mean I don’t take enough adventure in life. I just enjoy simple things, never searching for thrill. I know this isn’t a big adventure, it’s just talking to guys really, but it’s a step forward I guess.

“ Fine, I guess I’ll stay,  but only because I want to have reason , and proof behind my disliking of you guys.” I smile, and both boys smile back.

“Fair enough, alrighty then, this is Niall” Says Liam pointing to the blond boy.

Who is Georgia Rose( One Direction Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ