Chapter 16-It gets better I swear

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______-Warning this is only a glimpse into the chapter. I want to see if people still read this and like it, and if they do i will finish the chapter, and start updating again--------------------

I clasp and unclasp my hand in Harry's. Weird how Liam's words still echo in my head, how I can still feel his hand around mine, the same hand now occupied by Harry's. I look down at our hands entwined as we walk to the elevator. My eyes drift up to his stone cold face, harsh and precise.

Harry's eyes are solid, not the kind you can get lost behind. He is calculated.

Bewilderment takes form in those eyes, as they find mine.

"You don't have to stare, I'm not about to disappear." Light reaches his face, and the air around us gets a little warmer.

It's because we are in public, not confined to the safety of his room. I guess what I can now call the safe room. Harry's room is the place where I can actually speak my mind, unlike the outside world were every word I speak matters.

Security detail, Management, basically a whole lot of people I don't know, but look official follow us down this hallway, and into the elevator.

"Well Harry I guess I can't help but stare. I can't help that I feel like this is all still a dream, and I want to catch every detail of you before I wake. I lost you once, and I couldn't deal if I didn't try my hardest to capture every detail, before you slip away"

I mean I'm not wrong, just replacing dream with a nightmare, and take away all the mushy parts. I mean he wouldn't be too intolerable if he wouldn't take every opportunity to hate me.

I feel his hand pulse twice, as in to say good job. I look to see the people that surround us smiling, some looking away as to give us a moment.

"I promise I won't do that ever again" Harry says as he takes me into a hug, and we remain that way till the elevator pings, informing us we have reached ground floor.

There he unwraps me from his arms, there I turn, and there I see a bee like swarm of people and their lights waiting for us outside the safety of this lobby.

I don't think the first time I was swarmed outside of my work, now, or any future times will ever make this frightened feeling go away.

My heart sinks and all I can do is follow, as Harry pulls me forward to what feels like my death.

I'm right this is death, the yelling, the provocative words thrown my way. Fans and the papz alike blend together, and for a second I forget how to breathe. I look to Harry with his head held high, and I know in this moment is where I determine who I am.

I am either the shy girl these fans and everyone else can stomp on, walking to this car with my head held low, covering my face from pictures. The girl that seems so much more comfortable for me to choose, or the girl I know that management wants me to be.

The girl with her head held high, radiant, with a smile on her face, looking as if though beside Harry is where she is supposed to be.

So I go to my happy place.

I block out all these words thrown out to hurt me, and I listen to the music in my head. I smile. I actually smile, but not for them, not for Harry. I smile for me, because I'm not going to let fear consume me.
We reach the car in what feels like hours, but is actually seconds.

A sigh of relief comes from me as I sit in the tainted glass, black SUV. They can't see me anymore, and I'm surely not looking to see them. A divider separates Harry and I from the driver. We are alone, in this backseat, and I never thought I'd say I'm more thankful.

"It gets easier you know. It may not seem like it now, and you may be thinking that anxious feeling will never escape you. For some people it doesn't, but that's for people that aren't strong and don't have strong people around them. For you this feeling will pass." Harry says as he is now looking outside the door, almost drifted in his thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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