Chapter 3- Wait I'm pretending to be WHAT!?!

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            So yeah I was stuck back then. Not really knowing what was going to happen. That night was a world wind of weird, but hey I’m gonna stop talking about it, so you can just read on from here……

 Chapter 3-

So I wait …..and wait ….and wait.

               I have declared that running isn’t an option anymore. I don’t know what kind of trouble I could get into for what I have done. I‘m not very fluent in law. What if I am considered trespassing? Maybe, I am just worrying too much and wouldn’t get in any trouble, but maybe I’m not wrong. I don’t want to chance it. 

            So I have just been sitting here for what feels like forever. Only in this situation, do I think that I rather be with Annie in the concert right now. If I was with Annie right now, I wouldn’t be so freaking scared.

             So I have just been waiting in silence. Just then I hear something, and not just the usual two guards talking outside my door, no its sounds like a woman.  I freeze in my spot, and for a moment I hold my breath.

               She could be the person I have been waiting for. She could be the person who shines light onto what I have gotten myself into. She could be the person to figure me out, and take me in or something.  Wish me luck?

           The door quickly opens, and a tall woman in a pants suit, with red slicked back hair that is in a bun walks quickly over to me. She has no express on her face, but I notice her carrying papers.  This woman is very professional, and oh don’t forget extremely frightening. I automatically stand up, not even meaning to. She just has that affect on me. She looks me up and down, just like the guard had done, then meets my eyes.

           I really don’t like this attention, never have and I never will. I look down to my feet, to try and break the stare off . The woman scoffs, making my eyes snap back up to hers.  She gives me a slight smile, probably trying to make me feel better, but it doesn’t. I don’t know if she can tell I know that is the most fake, strained smile ever.  The woman motions to the red couch I was just sitting on.

“ You may sit down if you like, or stand either way you prefer.”  She has a very posh  british accent.

         I take a seat and look up to her, and if I thought she was intimidating before, she is about 12 times more intimidating when you have to look up to her hovering over you. At least when I was standing we were leveled.

“Alright so listen here. I am a part of the boy’s management. I take care of situations like these. You will sign this contract, and nothing that has, and will happen here tonight will ever  reach the media, or in fact anyone. I understand this is a big job for you. Your boss has said you have never had such a famous client before this. So I will spell it out for you, so you don’t have to strain your pretty little brain”

Um rude, who does this lady think she is? Oh right she's the one in power, and I'm the one who got myself stuck in this mess.

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