Kona 2's Story

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Kona's P.O.V.

Hello, I'm Kona 2, or simply Kona. 

And this is my story...

Early life and Capture

I was just like any other young wild orca, living peacefully with my family in the cold waters of Iceland. 

That all changed one day though when I was ripped apart from my family and captured on October 12th, 1977, with many other young orcas. 

I wasn't just the only one who was caught. Greedy humans had been capturing Icelandic whales and others for many years, until they finally enforced a law to ban whale capture in the wild. 

After being captured, I was taken to a place called Dolfinarium Harderwijk where I lived with six other whales, being trained to be sold to marine parks. 


I was eventually sent to a place called Seaworld in Orlando Florida. 

Many of us have heard rumors about this place having the best care in the industry for killer whales. 

I'd say I was pretty lucky to go and live there, much rather instead of being stuck in this tiny awful tank here at Harderwijk. 

While at Seaworld, I met a male orca named Ramu. We performed daily together in shows. Many other orcas came and went, until Ramu passed away. 

Trainers would say as what they called me a very reliable whale, and it was true. I did very well with my trainers in and out of the water. 

Birth of Kalina, the original Baby Shamu

Then in 1984, I met a young female named Katina. We got along pretty well and performed together in shows, doing waterworks with our trainers. 

I would soon find out that my tank mate was expecting and was going to have a baby real soon. I was surprised at first but then so excited for Katina. 

I've never seen a baby killer whale before. 

Soon on September 26th, 1985, Katina went into labor. 

I was so worried for her. What if the baby was born the wrong way? What if the baby was premature? What if the baby did not survive?...

But luckily, the baby did survive and was named Kalina, as Seaworld dubbed her as the very 1st Baby Shamu. The very first orca to be born successfully in any zoological facility. 

I soon swam into the show pool to meet Kalina for the first time. She was such a little cutie sucking on her mom's milk. 

I assisted Katina with raising Kalina sometimes and she and I became very close. Katina luckily didn't mind me spending so much time around her daughter. 

She was such a little sweetheart. I wish I had gotten to see her grow up more. 

Watching Kalina with her mother made me smile, wishing that someday soon I too would have a calf of my own. 

Later life and Death

Katina, Kalina and I had all grown very close over the years as we would all perform together like a big happy family. 

It was soon the day of Kalina's 2nd birthday. It was the biggest party I've ever seen and I was so glad to be a part of it. Especially for Kalina, I'd do anything for that little bundle of joy. 

In all my life the terrible twos have never felt so good. 

We were soon backstage getting ready for the special birthday show that night. 

I soon came over to Kalina and gave her this giant piece of salmon I had been saving as her present. 

"Happy birthday, little super star" I smiled, giving Kalina her present. 

"Thank you, Auntie Kona!" Kalina smiled up to me, which made me smile back at her. I always loved her little smile. 

Just then, we started to hear the music come on. 

"It's showtime!" Katina told us, as we prepared to make our way out into the stadium pool. 

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the star of Seaworld!.... Shamu!" 

"That's my cue!" I said to myself, as I quickly swam out and jumped in the center of the pool, mesmerizing the whole audience. 

We had so much fun performing for Kalina's 2nd birthday that night. The lights, the singing, special guests, cheering crowds, and even a birthday cake. It was one of the best times of my life.

"Thank you for being in the show with me, Auntie Kona" Kalina smiled to me. 

"Anything for you, squirt" I smiled back at her. 


In 1987, a new male orca named Kanduke came to the park and I soon became pregnant by him with my first calf. 

Sadly, I passed away a few months later from lung abscess on October 15th, 1987, less than 9 months into my pregnancy. 

The Orca Chronicles: By Adventuregirl5Where stories live. Discover now