Kasatka's Story

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Kasatka's P.O.V.

From the 1960's to the late 1980's, an unspeakable, horrific occurrence happened in the once peaceful ocean waters. 

Young Killer Whales were tragically ripped apart from their families and sent to amusement parks for humans' entertainment.

This is the story of one such whale...

Oh, wait... That's me.   

A Heartbreaking Beginning to Life

In the cold ocean waters of Iceland sometime in later 1976, a female orca was born into the world, which was me. 

It was when I was only about a year old I was abducted from my family by these strange pale-skinned beings mother had told me were called humans. 

After the brutal capture I was soon given the name... Kasatka. Which is a generic name for orcas in Russia. 

I was captured along with another pod mate, who some of you might know her as the matriarch of the Seaworld Orlando orca pod... Katina. 

The Strangest Place on Earth

I soon ended up at a bizarre place called Seaworld, alongside Katina. 

We believe it was some kind of crazed paradise version of our home these humans had created specifically for our animal species. But it was nothing like the real ocean. 

We quickly started traveling across the country to all the Seaworld parks, performing daily. We were soon sent to what is now the abandoned Seaworld Ohio for the summer. While there, we all soon found out the surprising news... Katina was pregnant!

I was so happy for her. I always wanted a calf myself and to be a great mom. But I was also a little sad that the calves born at Seaworld would all end up like us with the conditions we were in at this strange place. 

I eventually ended up at the newest Seaworld park at the time in San Antonio, Texas. Along with two other orcas, Kenau and Kotar while Katina had been transported to Orlando where she gave birth to the first successful calf born in captivity, a daughter named Kalina. 

Kenau had mated with a male bull back in San Diego named Orky 2 previously before her arrival. And very soon, we had little Kayla born into our lives. 

First Time Mom

I was soon moved back to San Diego in 1990 for good this time, and had become the new matriarch after Kandu 5's tragic death. 

I said goodbye to little Kayla and the others before I left. 

Now as a matriarch, it's our responsibility to look after not just our families but every single orca in our pods. That meant I was in charge of keeping everybody safe, fed, and happy. 

It was a difficult job, let me tell you. But all that was about to change...

I had mated with Kotar previously before the move and it was soon found out I was pregnant. Trainers prepared everything to make sure in every possible way I'd have a smooth delivery when the time came. 

July 9th, 1991~ 

Let me tell you, being a first time mom can be scary. But I got this handle. 

It was early morning when I had gone into labor. 

Once I saw my baby appear alongside me for the first time, I couldn't have been more proud and in love. She was the most beautiful, most precious thing I ever saw. I carefully guided my baby up to the surface to help her take her first breath while a crowd of people applauded. 

The Orca Chronicles: By Adventuregirl5Where stories live. Discover now